Chapter 7: No Point

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I tossed and turned in my bed, desperate for sleep to come but at the same time, terrified that it would.

I knew that my dreams would be haunted by the thoughts of my parents’ death, Dorian, and horrific images that he had conjured in my mind.

After another hour of rolling round in bed, I glanced at the luminous red numbers on the clock and groaned.

Three in the morning!?

I sighed and tossed the covers back, exposing myself to the cool air.

Why even bother? I thought grimly as I padded across the bare floorboards of my room. There was no point in trying to get to sleep if you would just have to get up in a couple of hours.


The kitchen was cold. Colder than usual, and I felt myself shiver before I wrapped my arms around me.

Okay, so you got out of bed and came downstairs to the kitchen where you are freezing your butt off. What’s next genius?

 I shouted at the annoying voice in my head before opening the nearest cupboard door and searching through it blindly with my fingers.

Bread, biscuit jar, ooh Pringles! Oh, they’re empty. Tins, don’t know what that is, don’t want to know what that is! Eugh, gross! Ooh!

I grabbed the box my fingers had bumped into and pulled it out, grinning in satisfaction.

“Yum Ritz, you never let me down.”

I shoved my hand into the box and stuffed the salty crackers into my mouth, feeling them melt on my tongue as I tip toed toward the living room, and stopped.

There was someone in there. I could see a distinct body shape huddled up on the carpet by the couch.

Oh my god! What if it’s a robber? But why would they be lying on the floor? No! It’s a dead body! It’s not moving or anything! And his hair looks like-

I started to breathe quicker and quicker. I refused to believe it, I didn’t think even he could do that.

I felt my lungs struggle, heard my raspy breath, the box fell to the floor, scattering crackers everywhere, and I retreated back into the side table which fell with a crash.


And suddenly, there was chaos.

I started to scream and the body on the floor jumped with a start, lights upstairs went on, the body was charging toward me head down followed by another which had just leapt over the couch, my parents were running down the stairs, I was stumbling backward over the table, the person was getting closer-

My head hit off of the floor with a dull thud as the first body collided with me, rugby tackling me before pinning my arms down.

I’m dead. I’m dead. I’m- crap! I didn’t get to do any of the things I wanted to, like kicking a certain vampire in the one place I’m sure is not invincible.

I squeezed my eyes shut as light flooded the room, and I heard a strangled voice shouting,

“Son! Son let go! It’s Gabby!”

Then the heavy weight was lifted off of me.

“Steven dude, chill!”

I lay there breathing heavily for a moment, trying to focus on the figures above me.

“Gabby, are you alright?”

“What happened?”

“Was that you screaming?”

“Damn Gabby, I’m so sorry, I thought you had broken in or something.”

That seems to be a popular thought tonight, I thought giddily.


A face was in front of me, it was blurry but I recognised the voice.

“Gabby, how many fingers am I holding up?”

I squinted at the blurry forms that vaguely resembled fingers.

“Erm... four?”

“Oh crap Gabby, I’m holding up five. She has a concussion.”

“No you’re not,” I mumbled, sleepy all of a sudden, “You’re holding up four fingers and one thumb, you delinquent.”

There was a series of chuckles around me.

“Are you alright though?”

John! That voice is John’s! He must have been one of the figures running toward me, which means-

I groaned, “Steven you jerk, my heads killing me now.”

Another round of chuckles,

“I’m so so so sorry Gabs, I swear I didn’t know it was you. Are you alright?”

I tried to nod but found that it only made the pounding in my head increase, instead I just smiled at John, Steven and my parents.

“I’m fine.”

My parents looked satisfied but the boys didn’t, they obviously noticed the quivering in my voice.

“Come on then lads, help her up.” My dad instructed as he hooked a hand under my arm near my shoulder, and Steven did so with my other arm, then they hoisted me up.

“Ugh, tell the room to stop spinning.” I moaned,

“Should I get you some water sweetheart?”

I looked up at my mam, we were obviously not from the same family. She had curly, sandy hair that reached her hips and small, delicate features that made her look as though she would break from the slightest touch.

My dad had light brown, receding hair and bright blue eyes, he looked tough and dangerous, but I knew that he was just a softy. He had tanned, clean shaven skin and had an authoritative air around him that made people do whatever he said.

I shook my head slightly, “I just want to go to bed,” I gave Steven a playful glare, “And to not be knocked out.”

He chuckled slightly, but I could see worry in his eyes still.

Yup, I’m going to be interrogated tomorrow.

I groaned internally, tomorrow wasn’t going to be a fun day.

My dad nodded and him and Steven started to walk me toward the staircase before a shook them off.

“I can manage myself thank you very much.” They just shook their heads but allowed me to continue on my own, still remaining behind me in case I fell. They knew that I was stubborn, and that there was no way to fight it, I hated to feel like I had to depend on others. So I gripped the hand railing tightly and practically crawled up the stairs.

But not before I saw a dark figure outside the glass doors leading out into the garden.

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