Chapter 9: Good weekend?

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“Gaaabbyyy...” Steven whined from the bottom of the stairs and I rolled my eyes at his childishness.

Honestly, you’d think he was going to Disney world or something, not school. I turned my attention back to the mirror and grimaced.

I couldn’t be bothered with my wild hair this morning and had bunched it all up into a messy bun instead, tendrils of curly black hair framing my face.

I wasn’t ugly, I didn’t believe there was such thing as ugly, everybody is beautiful in their own way. Even if someone’s face is enough to make others scream, they might be a beautiful piano player, or singer... like Gross Berger from Stir Crazy.

I had pale white skin just like anyone else in England, unless they used fake tan... in that case they were just orange. My lips were pale pink and were quite full, my cheekbones stuck out a little too much and made me look like I hadn’t eaten in days, although my wide hips suggested otherwise. My eyes were usually a bright, icy blue and I always seemed to have a thoughtful, dreamy expression on my face.

I groaned and peered closer at my eyes, you could still see the dark circles surrounding them through the concealer. I didn’t usually bother with make up, preferring to just wear eyeliner and mascara, but I had frog eyes from the lack of sleep that I’d had lately and that was not the best look.

“Gaaabbyyy! Come ooon!”

“You sound like a car advert!” I shouted back down the stairs and heard him chuckle.

I stepped back to get a full view of my self. My school uniform consisted of a white shirt, black tie, and black blazer with the school logo. A black, pleated skirt that stopped just above the knee, black tights and black military boots that went up to my knees.

Scooping up my My Chemical Romance tote bag, I reached for the door handle behind me and felt something grab my wrist.

I spun around, ready to hit the pervert that had sneaked into my room somehow, and saw Dorian standing there, a smug smile on his face.

I swallowed and tried my best to sound non-chalant, “Is this going to be a daily thing? Because I really don’t have the time to deal with you everyday.”

His eyes flashed but he kept the calm, smug look on his face “You know, I think I preferred you before you got cocky.”

“And I think I preferred it before I was your slave.” I snapped back letting acid seep into my words.

We stared each other down for a moment, both unwilling to back down first and be made the ‘weakest’. We didn’t even blink when Steven shouted up the stairs,

“Come on sis! We’re gonna be late!”

“I have to go now.” I practically growled at Dorian, who still refused to look away, but smirked anyway,

“Well off you pop then.”

I narrowed my eyes and turned my back on him, head held high.

When I turned back to the door, he was gone.

“How are you meant to argue with someone who just disappears whenever the heck they want?” I muttered irritably and threw the door open.



I looked up from my Ipod just as I was knocked backwards by a flurry of blonde hair.

“Gabby I have so much to tell you!”

Lydia pulled back from the mammoth hug and beamed at me, revealing all her perfect, straight teeth, her green eyes dancing in excitement. Her waist length, honey blonde hair was piled on top of her head and complimented her tanned skin perfectly. She looked down at me, being nearly a foot taller than me, and frowned.

“What’s up Gabs?”

I shook my head violently and grinned at her, “Nothing,” she opened her mouth to retort but I cut her off, “So what’s this news you needed to tell me?” I grinned up at her and she hesitated before launching into her tale. If there was one thing Lydia couldn’t resist, it was the chance to tell a good story.


“And then, like... a kangaroo rolled in on a skateboard and starting throwing jelly tots at us.”

I nodded and continued to scribble in my notebook, when suddenly it was whipped from under my hands and I was hit over the head with it.

“Ow!” I spun around and glared at Lydia who threw the notebook back into my lap. “What on earth was that for?” I grumbled, rubbing the sore spot on my head.

“You weren’t even listening to me!” she exclaimed.

“What?” I feigned shock, “Lydia, of course I was listening, you’re my best friend.”

“Then what did I just say?”

I mentally swore and cast around my head to try and find something that would help me remember.

“Erm... you and Ryan went to the... erm... skate park and... ate jelly tots.”

She stared at me for a second then started rolling on the floor laughing. When she finally composed herself, she sat up and ruffled my hair,

“Oh Gabby, you’re a classic.”

I glared at her playfully and packed my notebook into my bag.

“So did you have a good weekend?”

I stiffened and felt Lydia’s piercing gaze on my back.

“It was... eventful.” I winced as I felt her stare harden and I took a deep breath before tucking a stray tendril of hair behind my ear and turning to face Lydia with a false smile on my face. “I got knocked out by Steven in the middle of the night because he thought I was a robber that had broken in.” I laughed and was surprised when it sounded convincing.

She looked doubtful for a moment but then smiled back and laughed, “Sounds like something he would do, he is really daft isn’t he?”

I nodded and she changed the subject back to what she did at the weekend and I sighed in relief, all I had to do was keep up the charade for... well, until I manage to break the deal, which may be sooner rather than later.

I heard the bell ring in the distance just as the crowd of students milling around the yard groaned simultaneously and started to trudge past the corner of tarmac where Lydia and I were sitting.


It seemed that my attempts to act casual weren’t going as well as I had hoped. I’d already been shouted at several times during each lesson for not paying attention, gotten a detention from my biology teacher for not brining in my coursework and had all of my friends on my case trying to find out what was wrong with me. I was almost grateful when Steven told me at lunch that him and John were staying behind after school for football practice.

It meant a whole house to myself all night.

Or so I hoped.

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