The secret

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Maggie's P.O.V.


"I'm the youngest in my dance class. All the older girls hate me. They think I don't deserve to be there. I get picked on at school always told I'm not good enough one day I left school on my way home. I got close to the house. There was an extra car there. I walked in mom pulled me over she introduced me to Dan her boyfriend. I don't want Dan to date mommy. It's another man to leave me. When I told Lucy someone over heard and said the family was trying to replace me. Then I got home and was alone and that's when dad came. I've been handling too much.I don't wanna dance anymore and I don't want mum to have a boyfriend. But most of all I dont want to go to rehab. I'll miss the family too much."

I had just got finished telling Harry everything. He looked at me with sad eyes and then he spoke.

"Maggie your perfect, anyone who doesn't see it is missing out on allot. I'm not gonna force you into anything but you have a gift and I think you should continue to dance. I am also not a fan of moms boyfriend but I think we should give him a chance for mom. And I've decided your not going it rehab." I hugged him and told him I loved him before falling asleep.

2 months later.


Maggie's p.o.v.


We have all grown to like Dan allot. Him and his daughter were moving in. His daughter is Harry's age. I don't like her that much. But I havnt told anyone. Me and Harry agreed to share a room since I slept in there most nights anyway. Mel (dans daughter) would have my old room. Me Gemma and Harry have met Mel before and were not fond of her. She hates Gemma and i. But has a weird obsession with harry. Not like she loves him but like she wants to be the little sister he sleeps with and hugs and carries. Which is weird considering she is 18.

Dan baught tickets so that all us kids could go to the phillies game with two of our friends while him and my mom hung out with mrs. Hale and mrs. Tomilson. After all they were going to need to learn how to get along. We brought Lucy and Louis. Our car was only a five seater so Gemma drove. After a long debate of Mel wanting to sit in the back with Harry she sat shotgun and the foxy four sat in the back me on Harry's lap. When we got the the game our seats were around center feild. Dan says allot of balls are hit there. So it sat Mel then Gemma then Lucy then me then Harry then louis. But it took us a while to get seated because Louis kept complaining about wanting to sit next to me. The seats were really cold though cuz it was rainy so I ended up siting on Harry's lap and Louis was much happier about being able to sit "next to me." When u thought the game was almost over a ball was hit right towards me. But Louis stuck his hand infringing of my face and caught it. Mel was about to ask for it when he gave it to me. I didn't want to be mean so I offerd it to her but she gave me a nasty look and said keep it. When everyone looked away she mouthed bitch to me. If I have to live with her its gonna be a long life.

After the game Harry and Louis were able to get the ball signed by my favorite players Shane Vitorino Jimmy Rollins and Ryan Howard because they were famous and met the security guard and players when they performed there. It made my day knowing these boys cared so much. They also were able to get lucy and Gemma pictuers. Then Mel went to get her picture and asked for everyone to get in it to for our parents but she said only older kids. Until Harry put me on his shoulders and said she is older she's 9 now. And the security gaurd took a great picture of us the players and everyone smiled except for Mel. Once Harry goes back on tour. I'm gonna have to hide really well.

A/N sorry for the long wait. Please update! Love always ME!!!!!!!!!!

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