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A/N guys I'm running out of ideas help me please sorry if this is a boring chapter but I had no idea what to do.

Maggie's POV


Dear Maggie,

This is the second time I'm writing to you. Your now 5 years old. I know I skipped a few years but nothing exciting happened then its not like I took you out to get your first bra. I was right! You have mine and Harry's curly black hair. You have Harry's eyes and personality it's funny to watch you drink out of the carton if milk you have always preferred carton over baby bottle. You should let some of that run off on Louis considering he's 17 I think he's the biggest man child of all. Your big accomplishments lately have been obviously you walking and talking, you sing like your brother. You two are the closet people I know everything about you two is close you sleep together. At dinner you sit on his lap and he helps feed you. It's like your attached at the hip. It's adorable because your like 5 and he's like 14. Good news your a dancer. One of the better ones too. Fr being five years old your in a class with 14 year olds. Good job. That's about kids my age maybe a year younger. What I love about you most is your laugh its a sweet innocent giggle that just melts my heart. You always have a smile on your face. The funniest thing happened when you were one. You were learning to talk and you could never say harry. So Gemma goes upstairs to call harry for dinner she starts by saying ha then gets cut off by her own scream after seeing him butt naked so it turned out hazahhhh. You were easily able to say that. So you call him Hazza he goes red in the face every-time someone Brings that up. It's so funny.

I hope one day you will read this and realize what a fairyland life we live its perfect... Your perfect never forget that baby girl....

Love always

Forever and always


P.s. I like to act too!

A/N I'm bored sorry this is bad!!!!!! But I kept my promises of 3 updates please comment and read my other stories thanks.

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