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Maggie's P.O.V.


After walking for what felt like forever I got to my destination i climbed the. Wooden steps holding onto the railing decorated with leaves. I checked the dance studio the music room. Te lounge every room I could think of. No luck as I was leaving I saw a figure sitting on the porch. It was hard to make out the figure for it was pitch black besides the lamp light hanging near it I could make out a few more features as I walked closer. Bushy hair phone by his sides jeans and a jacket tear stained cheeks. The way his shoulder moved when he cried the way he gripped his hair. But the one thing I couldn't see was what he was holding and I couldn't hear what he was whispering to himself.

I crept behind the wall to try and get a better look and listen. He was holding a picture of me and harry and saying " why do I have to mess up everyone's life I shouldn't ruin everyone else when it's me who deserves it. I should just die." I heard enough I ran up to him jumping on his back and hugging him from behind. I kept whispering to him over and over "please don't die. I love you." I just held him and we cried together. Suddenly my phone rang my mom was calling I picked it up she was mad at me for leaving but when I told her I found Harry and we were both safe we just needed a day with each other. I promised we would be home by tomorrow noon no later. She agreed to it only after talking to Harry and making him promise we were both ok.

After what felt like hours of silence Harry started talking " I'm sorry baby I just needed to clear my head." my reply was this "I'm not mad but you need to tell me the reason no lowing and no leaving stuff out."

Wanna find out why Harry left. It's more then you think. Please comment I've uploaded 2x in one night and I'll upload again if people tell me to upload

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