Chapter 3

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I was woken up by Genesis who in all honesty surprised me because she's never awake early. I guess all the walking made me exhausted. I smile at her as a thank before I go take a shower and brush my teeth.

"My wolf is restless Astria I think he's in this town" Genesis calls out to me making me hurry up and fix the clothes

"Well let's go!" I reply happily as I put the backpack on and my beanie on as well

She chuckles as we both head out and drop off the key at the drop off box. Waving goodbye to the owner we both walk to the nearest breakfast diner.

Once entering I feel the presence of an alpha and gamma making me hold Genesis arm.

"He's here A" she smiles at me

I hear someone growl before Genesis is taken out of my hold. I smile at the Alpha and bow a bit out of respect.

I feel a presence next to me. I turn to my right and see the alphas gamma just staring at me before smiling and turning to his alpha. I notice he is running his face in her neck making me chuckle.

"What is it Astria" she smiles at me

I shake my head before mind linking her

"I had a feeling he would be here" I tell her

"Will you be staying or going now that I found him" she asks sadly

"Gen you know I'm with you til the end"

Our mind link cuts off as I sense danger near by making me turn to the group of rouges by the entrance. I push Genesis behind me so I can block her from getting hurt.

 It all happened so quickly, I didn't even realize they were fast as I felt myself get thrown across the diner as I heard the Alphas growl and feel Genesis pick me up

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It all happened so quickly, I didn't even realize they were fast as I felt myself get thrown across the diner as I heard the Alphas growl and feel Genesis pick me up.

"You're bleeding Astria" she says in a panicked tone

I touch my forehead and feel the wet substance of the blood. We both turn as we hear The gamma whimper. They both are outnumbered by a whole group of rouges, I know the Alpha must have called other pack members but I had to do something.

"No you will drain your energy" Genesis reminds me

"I have too you can't lose him" I smile sadly

I thrust my hand out in a chocking motion and begin chanting

"Phasmatos superous em animi" I chant before the groups of rouges fall in pain holding their head.

Genesis hold onto my as I almost fall down. She grabs a napkin before cleaning my nose. Her mate pulls her up and looks over her for injuries but finds none.

"How?" He questions her

I finish cleaning up the blood from my nose as I reply to him

"A protection spell, I placed a protection spell on her so no harm can be done" I reply with a smile

I feel the Gamma gently pick me up as he looks over my injuries, I wince when I try to move my left arm making Genesis panic

"Astria you said you weren't hurt" she growls out

"I'm fine Stella, let Genesis take control I am fine" I smile and touch her arm to calm down her wolf
Her eyes return to their brown color as she helps support me
"So you gonna introduce me" I smirk at her while raising an eyebrow

She blushes before she nods her head

"Astria this is my mate Alpha Nixton and his gamma Octavius, guys this is my sister Astria" she introduces us

"You don't look alike" states Octavius

"We grew up together she's family" I reply back

"So you're a witch?" Alpha nixton asks

"Yes, born a witch, my mom and her mom were best friends" I reply back

"Have you told Alpha Montez I have found my mate?" Genesis asks

"No will you mind link him" I say

"He is going to be puddled if he knows you or I got hurt" she says sharply

"Don't tell him" I sigh sadly

I realize The Gamma still has his hand on my arm making me blush and look at him. He chuckles before letting go but staying close to me just in case I fall.

"Actually Alpha Montez from the river pack will be meeting me in an hour, he is arriving with beta silver" Alpha nixton informs us

I smile at Genesis knowing her dad will be here too so he can know the great news. They help us in two separate cars in one is Genesis with her mate and in the other is Gamma octavius and I.

"So have you been walking all this time?" He asks me

"Yes sometimes Genesis would shift and it would be faster but I would make her rest so we would stop at a motel" I reply back to him

"We have about 30 minutes to get to the pack house you can rest if you'd like" he smiles kindly at me

I nod and close my eyes as I lean on the window. A few minutes later I hear a soft chuckle and my head being moved to rest on someone's shoulder. I let myself fall asleep before we arrive to the pack house and meet our alpha.

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