Do you know Jennie Kim?

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"Do you guys know Jennie Kim?" Jisoo asked when she arrived at our table with her lunch tray.

I've heard the name before. I think she's an art student. I get to see one of her paintings on our school gallery when they held an exhibit once. But I never got to meet her or let alone see her.

"Yeah. You've introduced me once. Your cousin right?" Rosie answered while munching her food.

"She's so hot! But cold at the same time!" Bambam said enthusiasticlly. Looking really interested knowing that she's Jisoo's cousin.

"Unfair! Jisoo introduced me too!" He added.

"Well, I invited her for lunch earlier but she's not responding to my messages. I even told her I'll treat her chicken for lunch." Jisoo looked sad. She really wants to eat lunch with her cousin huh.

It annoys me when people treat my friends like that. How could she reject a lunch invitation with the one and only Jisoo Kim? With the presence of yours truly.

"Maybe she's just busy." or just a bitch. I patted her back to comfort her as she gave me a small smile.

"Can I have the free chicken though?" Rosie asked eyeing Jisoo's chicken.

Jisoo glared at her like she's preparing for battle. If its for chicken I know Jisoo is ready for a fight.

"No. I think eating twice the amount of lunch chicken is just what I need to lift my mood." She said in stern tone while Rosie turned small like a child who got scolded for wanting a toy and her parent told her No.

"You should keep insisting for her to have lunch with us. She's always alone and I don't think she has any friends." Bambam said to Jisoo.

Jisoo smirked at him. "Are you trying to get into my cousins pants Bam?"

"Hell no! I'd try to be her friend first before I do that. You know, courtesy."

Jisoo smacked his arm. "Don't you dare!" She warned Bambam. "Ugh. This is why she has trust issues." She whispered but loud enough for me to hear.

"Ouch! Alright! I'm sorry, I'm just kidding anyway." Bambam groaned in pain.

"Forget it Bam. They said her looks could kill." Rosie said uninterested while looking at her empty plate.

"Is she really that drop dead gorgeous?" I asked baffled by Rosie's statement.

"Yeah. I guess you could put a double meaning on it." Rosie simply answered while Jisoo and Bambam nod in agreement.

"Actually Lisa, since you haven't met her yet and you have English for next period I have a favor to ask." Jisoo said looking at me with puppy eyes and hands clapped together. She looks so cute!

"Depends if we're gonna dump a dead body at Han river. If not, then no." I said while standing up and cleaning my table.

"Great! Then I want you to go the art room few rooms ahead from your English class to pick my cousin up and give her this." Jisoo excitingly gave me a small paper bag which consist of a sandwich and orange juice.

I was suppose to hand it back to her but she took a step back. "I think you will have English together and she mostly get lost in time when she does her art so if you could pick her up and give her lunch. I'll love you forever." She winked and dashed out the cafeteria.

I looked at Rosie and Bambam while holding the paper bag up.

Rosie mouthed 'Nope' while Bambam excused himself since he have class on the other side of the building.

I sighed defeated and start walking to the art room. Fixing my bangs and clothes along the way. I need to make a good first impression on Jisoo's cousin since she might be our friend in the future.


I slightly opened the door of the art room as took a peek inside the room full of paintings with natural light coming from the windows and the smell of paint invading my nostrils. My vision narrowed on two lone figures in the room.

A girl with long brunette hair sitting infront of a canvas, her back on me. Beside her is a tall man with a bouquet of red roses. As I look clearly on the man I recognize him as Jongin Kim also known as Kai. He's the ace of the swim team. I heard that he was courting an art student for almost a year now. I guess it was her. The Jennie Kim.

My eyes drifted on her back figure, she took a side glance at Kai's flower and that was the first time I experienced the word


and how I regretted taking a peek or even opening the door of the art room.

She noticed me and I always like attention but when I first made contact with those cat like eyes, I knew that there will be one hell of a ride.

A/N: How is it so far? Feel free to leave comments and also vote if you like the story.

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