9-first fight/brake up

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Sherlock: "Sherlock", you growl. You have been talking to him for twenty minutes, just now realizing he hasn't heard a word you've said. You call his name viciously a few more times until your done. For twenty minutes you have been spilling your heart out in concern of a close friend and he hasn't given you as much as a side glance. You were done, done being ignored, done with him. You stood up in a huff and packed a small bag, stomping back to the sitting room you texted a friend told her you would spend the night. This was not the first time he had blatantly ignored you and it stung more everytime.  Your shaky hand flung the door open. Suddenly you heard a voice behind you,"Where are you going?" "Where am I going. Where am I going! Maybe if you were listening you would know? Goodbye Sherlock", you said fighting back your tears. "Wait (Y-", but you didn't here him finish you were already gone.

John: You tapped your foot impatiently sitting at you dining room table. John had missed another dinner with you for prancing about with Sherlock. With tear filled eyes you packed up your homemade dinner to be saved. You huffed no message, no call, and somehow you know he's on another case. Sitting down you scribbled an angry note on how to reheat the meal and how John can sleep on the couch. You quietly got ready for bed and climbed in locking the door before you did. After awhile you slipped into a dreamless sleep.

Lastrade: "What do you mean your leaving?", you ask nervously. " This is a very important case (Y/N) I have to go", Lastrade says quickly. "But Greg-", he cuts you off. "No buts we finally have a good lead", he kisses your cheek,"I'll see you at home." Then he's gone leaving you alone back stage of a performance you have been preparing for, for  three months. You bite you lip holding in your tears. "Maybe you won't see me at home", you whisper to yourself.

Mycroft: "I just want to go out for the afternoon, it's not like I'm leaving you", you say, you can feel this becoming an argument really quickly. "I come with you or you don't go, I cannot risk you being out without me personal protection", Mycroft states. You love Mycroft you really do it's just he is so concerned with your well being sometimes he goes a little over the top. " Mycroft I am an adult and I have been taking care of myself far longer then you have.", you say annoyed. " You have never been as much danger as you are with me and you know that", Mycroft snaps. " And we both agreed that we could trust each other do you not trust me", you growl. "(Y/N) I never said that and please just be reasonable and do not go out", Mycroft says more like demands.  "Mycroft please contact me when you are ready to stop treating me like a child", you say grabbing a bag and packing the essentials and walking out with him calling after you.

Moriarty: "Work, work, work, Sherlock, Sherlock, Sherlock, kill, kill, kill, when are you every going to have time for me", you say getting upset. Jim looks beyond furious, "What did you say." "When are you ever going to have time for me!", you yell tears building up in your eyes. "WHEN DONT I HAVE TIME FOR YOU, YOUR ALWAYS IM MY FACE ANNOYING ME!", Jim screams. "Fine if I'm always bugging you leave", you say calmly. "What", he says his face reflecting horror. "I said LEAVE!",  you screech pointing to the door. You turn and go to your room not even watching as he leaves.

A/N: good lord its done *wipes invisible sweat off forehead* here is an update for today.... ok so I have two more one shots to do and a few more preferences..... don't expect updates so frequently I have had some really good inspiration I hope you guys love this love you byee

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