5-your a hostage(his P.O.V.)

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A/N: ima tell you right now action is not my thing.

Sherlock: I pace back and forth in my small flat. With a exasperated sigh I ran a hand through my curly locks. (Y/N) was supposed to be home a hour ago. She could have been held up at work, no she would've called by now. That's it, maybe I should call her and clear up all this nonsense. One, two, three rings I here the click of the answer on the other line. 

"(Y/N) are you there? Where have you been?", I asked calmly into the phone trying not to appear worried. 

"Sherlock", the voice is raspy and weak but still distinguishable as (Y/N).

 " You have until day break, find us or she dies", a man's voice comes up before the line goes dead. I will find you (Y/N) I promise you that.

John: A low growl starts in my throat when I see the note hanging from the front door. I knew I shouldn't have let her hang out with that Mitchell guy(random name btw no offense to anyone) I knew he was trouble. I thought pounding my fist against the door frame. I don't even go inside before I text Sherlock and hail a cab. I'm going to get you back (Y/N), if it's last thing I do!

Lestrade: Of course... I should have been expecting this. Think, think what else can I do. I already have my best people working on it (by best people I mean Sherlock). I guess all I can do is wait, with an exasperated sigh I run a hand through my silver hair. My phone buzzes and I burst out of my office. Getting a cab to the location Sherlock sent me. 

"This has to be the longest  cab ride I have ever been on", I mumble to no one tapping my fingers impatiently.

Mycroft: I know caring is not an advantage, but I never knew I would ever be this concerned about another humans well-being. I continue to yell orders into my phone aimlessly, pacing my floor over and over. I always knew falling in love would only bring me pain. 'I promise you (Y/N) I will never let you be in danger ever again', I make a silent vow to myself.

Moriarty: "What?!", I yell into the phone,"I SWEAR, YOU FIND HER THIS INSTANCE OR YOUR DEAD!!', I finish hanging up the phone. I throw the phone across the room, satisfied when it smashes. I growl in discomfort. Maybe I'll kidnap John again, that always calms my nerves. I love watching Sherlock squirm.

A/N: hey so this part is kinda like when he finds out your taken and whenever I get around to it I will do a he saves you and it will be a continuation of this preference... Ok so I added Moriarty, Im not that good at writing for him so..... Sorry if he sucks I'll try to add him to the previous preferences..... Ya these aren't That good but they were requested by BloodyAngelJay so here you go. Love you guys byeee

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