One Shot - whovian3135

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A/N: oh god I hope you like this.... if this isn't how you wanted it I will redo it...

"What am I going to do with you", I say moving Sherlock's unruly curls out of his eyes, and he looks up at me his eyes unfocused. He smirks, which appears drunken due to the medication John had given him.

"Love me forever and ever (Y/N)", Sherlock says lazily, smiling with his teeth. You see he had just come back to 221b with a head injury and a sprained ankle, and the medicine John gave him has made him really loopy.

"Oh Sherl", I say running my fingers through his hair massaging his scalp lightly, "you should get some sleep." He sits up suddenly, somewhat dazed as a sharp pain shoots through his head at the sudden movement.

"NO!" he yells quite loudly after he recovered.

"Shh", I coo wrapping my arms around him, swaying him slightly attempting to calm him down. Normally I wouldn't be as affectionate with my detective boyfriend, he wasn't very big on it, but tonight he was loopy and extra cuddly which I enjoyed thoroughly. It was so cute I couldn't not help but treat him like the child he was being. Sherlock mumbled something incoherent before lying down with his head in your lap, eventually drifting off to sleep. I smiled deciding that I wouldn't tease him (that much) in the morning.

The next morning Sherlock grumbled and he groggily sat up, clutching his head in pain, he attempted to stand. He fell right back onto to the couch luckily not causing himself more pain.

"Whoa whoa there boy your ankle is sprained", I shook a finger at him, hurrying over to him as soon as I realized he was awake.

"Ughh what happened?" Sherlock asked his voice husky. He rubs his forehead a loud groan leaving his lips. I laughed and sat down next to him.

"I am not sure exactly but you have a minor head injury and a sprained ankle", I said looking into his eyes, which had cleared and held their usual frost.

"Obviously, I meant I don't remember much from last night, what happened?" Sherlock asked clearly annoyed.

"Oh, well John had you drugged up so would could rest, you were like a child", I say ruffling his already disheveled locks with a laugh.

He glared at me, holding a stare, "What did I say?"

"Just,' Love me forever and ever (Y/N)", I said copying his voice with a smirk, "and then you refused to go to sleep right before passing out in my lap." He cringes and runs a hand through his hair. "It's OK Sherl I love taking care of you, and I always will no matter what", I say placing a kiss on his forehead.

"And for that I love you", he whispers leaning in for a sweet kiss which I return. He pulls me onto his lap to deepen the kiss and groans in pain. Quickly I shoot off his lap and shake a finger at him. I disappear into the kitchen to grab him some food, he calls my name a few times but I ignore him. I return a few minutes later with a sandwich and two cups of tea.

"Here", I say handing him his drink and food carefully. He hums in reply taking a sip of his tea. When the two of us are finished I clean everything up. "Is there anything else you need", I ask stroking Sherlock's cheek.

"Lay down with me", he whispers and I happily comply. When we were settled Sherlock ran his hands through my hair. "What would I do without you (Y/N)", he mumbles kissing my face.

"Die probably", I smirk. He chuckles and brings me into a passionate kiss.

A/N: sorry for the lack of updates I have no excuse.... Except that I have been watching Supernatural for practically six days straight (which by the way is something I'm not proud of) I'll try to update again soon sorry. Thus was requested by whovian3135 sorry if it's not what you wanted if its not I promise I'll redo it anyway have a nice day/night I love you all byee

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