"1-when he confesses/asks you out

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A/N: hey people I have been obssesed with sherlock x readers for the longest time so ya this was born! These are my first preferences so please dont judge me. ok so im not going to do the how you meet at least not first cause I find it hella boring

Sherlock: A smiled worked its way onto your face as you made your way up the creaky steps of apartment 221b. Sherlock had texted you earlier in the day claiming that you needed to hurry over and that whatever he needed you for was urgent. Without abiding by the hurrying or the urgency of the situation, you made your way to Sherlock's shared flat.  Rather than wasting your time pondering what he had in store, you decided to just see what in fact was in store for you. 

 "Sherlock?", pushing the large door open with a small smirk, "you wanted me?"

 "Oh um yes hello (Y/N)", Sherlock said emerging from the kitchen, goggles perched on his head pushing his unruly dark locks out of his face. 

You took a seat in John's chair noticing that said man didn't seem to be home. Sherlock took a seat in front of you in his own chair, crossing his legs and folding his arms in his lap. He fidgeted slightly refusing to meet your eye and twiddling his thumbs. His sudden and drastic change in character left you with an uneasy feeling in your stomach. 

Sherlock was rather blunt when he built up the nerve, " would you like to join me for dinner on Friday?" 

"Like a date?" Your brows furrowed. he couldn't actually be asking you out, this was Sherlock Holmes, the famous detective, not some, some normal human being.

 "Yes a date,  are you going come or not?"

 "Of course."

 " OK that's it see you then (Y/N), oh and wear something fancy." Sherlock said getting up and walking back into the kitchen. You kind of just sat there stunned for a moment. Sherlock was one strange man and quite frankly you couldn't wait to figure him out. 

John: John was really straight forward when it came to dating and with you it was no different. The two of you were good friends when you were younger and happened to meet again after he came back from the war. It took him a little pestering to get you to say yes to a date but eventually you did. (A/N: sorry this one sucks I have zero inspiration for this one)

Lestrade: You were detective inspector Lestrade's personal assistant. You had always had a small crush on the detective inspector and from time to time you swear you would find him staring at you. Of course you always brush it off as nothing. A handsome man like him would never notice a girl like you.

 "(Y/N)", Lestrade called from his office. 

"Yes Lestrade", you said fixing your skirt slightly as you walked in. 

 " Please call me Greg", he says smiling at you. 

"OK Greg what do you need?", you said raising an eyebrow. 

" I was just wondering if you ah had any plans this weekend", he said awkwardly. 

"If that's you way of asking me out then yes. Text me later I have to go home.", you placed a kiss on his cheek and walked out of his office.

Mycroft: Being the PA to 'practicality the British government' wasn't easy. You really don't know what gave you the illusion that it would be. Never the less you enjoy working with Mycroft. He's not nearly as cold hearted as he comes out to be at first. He truly worries about his brother and you find it so adorable. Not that you would ever tell him that. 

"Here's your tea Mycroft", you said handing him his freshly brewed tea.

 "Ah thank you miss (Y/N)", Mycroft said. "One thing (Y/N)", he calls as your walking away. You walk back over to him and he hands you a note. It reads:

You me tomorrow at 8 dress casually ~Mycroft Holmes

You laugh a little and nod. You can't wait to date the British government.

A/N: heyyyo I hope you enjoyed, feel to request as you please! I really enjoyed making these sorry johns is so short and that they are all hella cheesey. At least I tried.... lol <3 izzy seeee yaaaa lataaa suckassss

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