3- when he scares you

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Sherlock: People yelling generally scare you, it just always has, your not exactly sure why though. You shouldn't be scared right, a raised voice had no literal power over you, even so yelling absolutely terrified you.  Of course Sherlock yells from time to time but never at you, and some how that never was as scary. That was until now. You couldn't even understand what he was saying you were so scared. Your body involuntarily shook as he droned on about lord knows what. 

"(Y/N)?", he asked quietly as he noticed the tears forming in your eyes. 

"Y-yes", you managed to stutter.

 "Oh darling", he says gently caressing your cheek," did I scare you?" You relax slightly into his touch and nod. "I didn't mean I just-", you cut him off,

"I know you didn't I forgive you", you say placing a quick kiss on his lips. You curl up in Sherlock's lap and he kisses your forehead. As you drifted off to sleep Sherlock made a mental note not to yell at you ever again.

John: Being in the war changed John. Not that you knew, you met him after he came back. He was just a little more aggressive now, still nice and caring. Just in general more aggressive. Like he tends to brake things when he's mad at Sherlock. You could only imagine what he'd do when he was mad with you. Your thoughts were stopped short by John's loud voice. 

 "(Y/N)!!", Johns voice rang through the flat.  You shuddered slightly as he stomped into the room. His hand went up for an unknown reason and on instinct you flinched. Horror crossed his features as he saw you flinch away from him. He wasn't going to hit you, he would never do that. You knew that, right? 

 "(Y/N), babe no I promise I wasn't going to hit you, I'm sorry. I would never.", John says gently.  

"I know I was just caught up in the moment", you mumbled. 

 "I was going over to see Sherlock, but he can handle himself, wanna watch a movie?", John asks with a bright smile. 

 "Of course solider boy", was your simple reply as you got up to pick out a movie.

Lestrade: Lestrade could be a scary person when he wanted to be, everyone knew this. That included you, and you weren't to excited when he came home from a bad day at work. "I am going to kill you!!", you heard Lestrade yell.  What you didn't here is that he was talking to Anderson. You knew he would never hurt you but you still avoided him all night.

 Lestrade picked up on this, " (Y/N) you know I was mad at Anderson right? Not you", he questioned.  

"Ya your just kinda scary when your mad", you said laughing.

 He pulled you into a comforting hug,"I didn't mean to scare you sweet pea, I'm sorry."

Mycroft: (hahahahahaha no inspiration) You tend to avoid Mycroft whenever he's on the phone. You don't know who it is half the time but you know to avoid him. One phone call could send him flying of the rage handle. How you know all this because the one time you didn't avoid him it happened.  You were just casually enjoying some cake and a spot of tea with Mycroft when he received a phone call.

 "What?", he growled.

You gulped and calming set done your cake scurrying away as you heard more yelling. Mycroft of course being the gentle man he is apologized later that evening, but from then on you knew to avoid him on the phone...

A/N: hey guys sorry this ones bad after sherlock I kinda ran out of inspiration so ya but its an update soo... ok I hope you liked it <3 love you guys

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