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it sure was getting cold.
"one more ride, come on y/n"! kiyomi complained.
i rolled my eyes. she always had that damn look of wanderlust on her face.
how could i deny her?

the carnival lights gleaming in her eyes.
the smell of delicious treats in the air.
it really set an atmosphere of wanting to continue.
"fine. just one more though". i said as i took out my phone.

it's already 9?! i said i'd have kiyomi home by 8.
ugh- her parents were gonna be on my ass again.
"kiyo it's 9"! i cautioned to her.
"it's fiiine, they're probably sleeping anyways".
i contemplated what i might be lectured about this time.

kiyomis parents hated me.
but they couldn't stop her from being my best friend.
they said i was a negative influence on her- yeah right. she's the one who bought a dildo dressed up as her mother.

i held back my laughter thinking about her stuttering over the counter as the cashier showed no interest in intercepting the transaction.

oh yeah- then again she did only do that because i told her she needed one for the experience.
i turned to her.
"kiyo did you use that dildo"? i asked.
her eyes went wide and she hushed me as we caught disturbed glances from other people walking.

"no". she whispered.
i furrowed my brows.
"you're never gonna get dick that way". i huffed.
she started walking faster.
"come on i see the ride".

i sped up behind her and walked with disinterest.

when we reached the line, i was frustrated to see how long it was.
"kiyomi come on! you couldn't have chosen a shorter line"? i questioned.

"whaaat, this is the one where you sit in a big boat and it rocks you like crazy".
i smirked.
"you know what else could rock you like crazy"? i asked.
she looked irked and didn't answer me.
"a BOYFRIEND! you need to get one asap". i said bumping her shoulder.

"why do you care so much"? she asked.
"because i want to be able to relate about sex stuff with someone". i said watching the ride start with other people on board.

a big group of boys approached behind us in line, all laughing and talking.
i turned my head to see better, and holy shit-
these guys weren't bad at all.

they were all wearing some kind of matching uniform though.
which creeped me out.
guys that dress together, sleep together.

i poked kiyomi in the side and she winced.
"hey look, you can take your pick from them". i snickered.
she looked over them and i saw her blush.
"which one"? i asked.

she leaned to whisper in my ear.
"the super tall one". she squealed.
"WOW, YEAH THE TALL ONE"? i asked loudly.
she turned around embarrassed.
and the group of boys stopped talking, looking at me.

the tall boy used his finger to point at himself.
"me"? he asked.
i nodded.
"yeah my friend was asking how tall you are".
i hit kiyomis arm and she turned around with an awkward smile.

"you don't have to say". she timidly replied.
the boy smiled down on her.
"i'm 6'4". he said.
"woowww 6'4"? i asked back.
she chose a good one huh.

"you hear that kiyo"? i asked.
she looked at me with murderous intent, and then smiled back at him.
"yeah yeah- uh sorry to bother you. i just couldn't help but notice". she almost whispered.

"it's fine, i get asked a lot". he laughed.
she laughed back tensely.
my eyes got their own glimpse of a hottie, a tall black haired boy who was staring my way.
ooh-la-la. i could take a bite of that for sure.

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