Chapter 10

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No turning back

     Jinni was in doubt of her decision to accept Ira again.  What if he meets another girl who can give him what he wants because she is not yet ready to plunge into a more passionate relationship , she wants  something permanent and Ira may not be ready to have a new mother of baby Trish.  That is another thing to consider. What if she cannot accept her as new mother.  Can Ira still want her?  She has to do something about it before the problem comes out.  She requested to have time with the little girl so she becomes comfortable with her.  So for a start, Ira wants to take her and Trish out of town. She suggested  Anilao, Batangas
     They don,'t have a particular destination  ,Ira was advised by a friend to check onBuceo Anilao Beach resort which is
Ideal for Scuba diving
andBiodiversities. It comes withsimple rooms with ideal beach view.
They went onShort trekking at the famous
Gulugod baboy-gorgeous coastal views with Trish carried by Ira on his back.Then they proceeded to Eaglepoint resort for kayaking.  They enjoyed every minute of their trip . The following day they went to SanVicente Ferrer
Sombrero island and enjoyed the food at Frido's  grill. It was also an Ideal place for scuba diving and snorkelling.
Jinni never had a grand time like this especially when Trish would take her hand to buy  a cone of ice cream.
     She found Trish a sweet little smart girl asking her questions beyond her age.  Innocent as she is , She asked when she will accept her Daddy to be her boyfriend.  Jinni was tongue tied and was not able to answer right away, She sweetly mushed her hair and asked if she likes cotton candy. The little girl said she did not like it but added her Daddy likes it in blue
     The candy man thought them to be mother and daughter.  To their surprise, he gave them an extra.  Trish asked for a pink and handed it to Jinni. 
     Jinni thought Trish had forgotten her question when all of a sudden, she asked her the question again.  This time she asked her in front of Ira and asked why she cannot become her Daddy's girlfriend. 
Jinni sweetly looked at Ira and hugged the little girl and whispered"Tell Daddy , I love him too" The little girl cannot control herself from rejoicing  clapping her hands and took the hand of Jinni and entwined it with Ira's.  Jinni although in doubt of her capability of being a mother, decided to take the chance because she cannot afford  to lose Ira and Trish is so lovable and she is sure she can be a good mother to her.
     They had a grand dinner. The moon is full and Ira thought it best to  walk along  the beach.  Jinni in white dress sprinkled with little flowers with matching flat white thin stdapped sandals strolled with the father and daughter. They passed along three singing boys with one playing the guitar. Ira was tempted to stop and borrowed the guitar for a short while.  He started strumming his favorite song. " I'll be your crying shoulder.... I'll be love suicide. I'll be better when I'm older.... I'll be the fan of your life......"  Jinni could feel every lyric of the song. She could almost cry.  Trish was looking at her and asked why.  The three boys arrived and sang another favorite "Your Love.
You're the one
Who never makes me sleep
To my mind down to my soul
You touch my lips
You're the one that I can't wait to see
With you by my side
I'm in ecstasy
Everytime I hear our music   play
Reminds me of the things
That we've been through
I feel all alone without you
My days are dark without a glimpse of you
But now you came into my life
I feel complete
The flowers bloom
My morning shines
Now I can see
Your love is like the sun
That lights up  my whole world
I feel the warmth inside
Your love is like a river
That flows down through my veins
I feel the chill inside
Everytime I hear our music play
Reminds me of the things that
we've been thru
In my mind
I can't believe it's true
But in my heart. the reality is you
The days are dark without you
Everytime I hear our music   play
Reminds me of the things
That we've been through
I feel all alone without you
My days are dark without a glimpse of you
But now you came into my life
I feel complete

     True to the lyrics of the song, Jinni felt so much loved.   Ira pulled her closer to him and whispered" I want to make love to you.She melted in his arms while there was a little girl looking.  Ira urged her to go back to their room. He kissed her passionately as he lifted her. The little girl left the room as if  she knows what happens next.
     The pair were out of the room looking tired and haggard but the look of passion showing in their eyes.  They searched for Trish but she was nowhere to be found until the guard guided them to the aviary where there different colorful birds flying.  The little girl was enjoying her birdwatching and asked her Daddy to buy her a pair of African Love Birds. She chose one male bird in yellow and the female is a combination of green and tangerine.  The  were like the love birds smooching each other with a special audience in Trish. They brought them home and hang their cage in their newly erected gazebo in the garden.  Thinking in advance , it would be a lovely place to hold a garden wedding. To complete the setting , she bought an orchid collection and anthuriums in white and red. Bromeliads were also added to the different folliage and ferns.
     She called her friend Juliana who is a good florist to design the garden. Juliana was so glad that she was entrusted to do the design of the matrimonial table which she complemented to the color mottiff which was in peach , Jinni's favorite color.
      Early morning their union is to come in just an hour. Jinni did not have her hairdone , Sans make up

  It was like a garden in heaven with all the beautiful flowers   and the birds singing in unison.  The flowers and ferns were dancing with 
the wind smelling so subtly fragrant as she gracefully walked in her gown. Her friends made up her entourage. Ira was on the altar waiting for her.  Jinni was all in bloom like a rose. Ira was looking at Jinni in admiration He was almost breathless  to think about later she will be at his mercy.

     Ira was himself good neatly looking with his mother at his side.  Every girl was admiring everything about him. If only she can show how much how much he meant to her....
     Ira was a well known swimmer .  He wants to know. if Jinni could also swim. She said she can , but not that good.   Ira invited her to dip into the waters every morning before Trish wakes up. He has a naughty intention in mind. 
     The following day, they woke up before the sun goes up and shine.  T'was such a sweet  moment to stroll on barefoot touching the white sand beach. Later just like little children they made castles in the sand.  They can never forget those very special moment.



Her Sweet Metamorphosis Story Written by:  Christine AmadaWhere stories live. Discover now