Never in my Life - Jack Frost (ROTG) Love Story [Ch. 4 Hi. I'm Jack Frost]

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"Jack Frost." Jamie replied, "So do you believe in him?" 

"Yes. I do believe in, Jack Frost." My heart soared. 

"YES! WOOOHOOO" I called out as I did a flip in the sky, and headed towards the lights. I hope everything is alright. But that seemed to be pushed to the back of my mind as all I could hear was Vanessa's words, "Yes. I do believe in, Jack Frost." 

* * * 

Vanessa's POV

"So you do believe in him?!" Jamie smiled running up to me.

"Of course." I replied, a rush of cold hair nipped at my nose, "Jack Frost's nipping at my nose." I replied, "Now if you'll excuse me. I promised myself a shower." 

"Do you need a towel?" Jamie asked as he stood in the doorway. 

"Nah. I'm good. I brought one." Jamie nodded, and turned back into his room. I quietly grabbed my pajamas, towel, and toiletries, and proceeded into the bathroom. I hopped into the shower, the hot water relaxing my body. 

Jack's POV

I walked through, North's workshop smiling. I waved at the little elves who waved back, the Yeti's gave me a blank stare, I just smirked at them. 

"Ah. Jack." I heard North call, "Where were you. You're late." 

"Stopped by to see, Jamie." I shrugged

"Oh. Jamie." His voice changed tone, "Come, come. We have important news." 

"What's up with you, mate." Bunnymund eyed me up and down. 

"Nothing. what's up with you." I replied 

"Oh nothing, it seems as though something happened at, Jamie's house." He replied shifting his weight, "if you know what I mean." He twitched his ears, "What's her name, Frost. Or his... Not judging you for anything." 

"Shut up." I averted my attention, "what's wrong, North." 

"What's their name, Jack." Bunnymund nudged my side. 

"Stop it. North is trying to talk. You were saying, North." I replied as, Bunnymund jabbed my side with his boomerang. 

"Ah yes. It seems as though, Pitch has returned. Again. He appears to be affecting the parent's through their dreams, along with the children. 

Everyone gasped. 

"Do not worry. I have devised a plan that..." North began, "Sandy and I worked on it as soon as we defeated, Pitch the first time." 

"What's her name." Bunnymund slyly whispered. 

"WILL YOU STOP THAT, BUNNY." I yelled, everyone stopped what they were doing. 

"Do you have something to share, Jack. Bunny." North said in a cautious angry tone. 

"Old Man Winter here's in love." Bunnymund pushed me forward. 

North's eyes widen, Tooth and the baby tooth's fluttered closer, Sandy produced a heart made of sand above his head.  

"Go on tell us her name." Tooth flutter forward, "What is she." 

"Or he." Bunnymund was behind me, but I could tell he was smirking. I hit my staff against the ground creating an icicle, hitting, Bunnymund in the head. 

"Oi." He replied, rubbing his temple. I smirked. 

"Don't keep us waiting, Jack." North ushered, his eyes growing in size.

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