Never in my Life - Jack Frost (ROTG) Love Story [Ch. 2 - Jack! You're back.]

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Vanessa's POV 

"Flight 245 to Burgess has landed safely. Enjoy your stay. Happy Holidays from us to you. Please wait for the seat belt sign to come off before standing up." 

"Vanessa were here. Wake up." I heard my mother call 

"5 more minutes please." I said turning over 

"5 more minutes we're going to be heading back home." My mom muttered throwing her hat on me. I groaned and rolled over. The side I was leaning was now suddenly cold. I stood up and stretched, the noise of the passengers came from every corner of the carrier. I adjusted my sweater, the knit hanging loosely from my body. I stared at my reflection on a bag, my bun has fallen loose, and strands of hair was framing my face. I shrugged it off. I could've looked worse. I could sure go for a shower right now. I thought to myself. I made a note in my head to take a shower once I access to one. I grabbed my bag, and made sure my contents were still therebook, bobby pins, hair-tie, phone, earphones, charger, gum, lotion, all there. Alright then. 

"Hurry up, Vanessa." I heard my mom call, she was already halfway down the aisle. I was holding up a line. 

"Sorry." I muttered as I hopped out of my seat, hitting my knee in the process. "ow." I muttered finally catching up with my mother 

"You hurt yourself with such grace, didn't know it was humanly possible." My mom chuckled, her eyes crinkling. If you first saw us at a glance, you would've thought my mom and I were sisters. Or aunt and niece. We looked almost identical except for the fact she had brown eyes, and mine were blue. The only thing I managed to get from my dad according to my mother. He left before I was born. I've never seen him before. Not even in pictures. My mother wants nothing to do with him because in her words, "he left, saying nothing so he gets nothing of or from me." she might as well have that hung up somewhere as much as she says this. I wouldn't be surprised if she had a reminder on her phone telling her this. 

I quietly followed behind my mom as we headed towards the baggage claim. Her as usual chatting away. It surprised me how she can talk so much, while I can barely manage to speak in class. 

"I can't wait to see your Uncle Mark, and your Aunt Michelle. Jamie and Sophie must be so big now." 

"Me too." I smiled back in reply, I tucked my hands into my jeans. It was snowing in Burgess. I wish I wore a thicker sweater. Or at least where something under here instead of just a bra. We approached the baggage claim, where are luggage was already making its round in the carousel. 

"I'll get them." I told my mom as her phone rang 

"Oh it's your uncle now." She picked up her phone the familar tune of the "strum" played, "Hello?"

I adjusted the brown suede bag on my shoulder, and grabbed our luggage with great effort. 

"He's outside!" I heard my mother voice approach, "Let's hurry." I followed my mom our luggage trailing behind us, "i'm exited for this years Christmas." 

"Me too." I smiled as I felt the cold hair on my face. 

Jamie's POV

"Jamie, pick up your books. Your dad just picked up Auntie Elaine and Vanessa!" I heard my mom call

"Okay!" I yelled, I ran down the stares into the living room where all my books covered the table, "Vanessa will want to read this." I smiled putting away all of my books. I wonder what books she has this time. I rushed back upstairs, and placed my books on my side table. A rush of cold hair hit the back of my neck, when my window suddenly flew open. Snow began to fall in my room. A laugh that resembled fun came from the window. I turned around, and there stood, Jack Frost. 

"Hey kiddo." He smiled jumping in my room with a light thud. "Miss me?" 

"Jamie, are you okay up there?" I heard my mom call

"Yeah! Jack Frost just came in." I replied 

"Okay then..." Her tone raising a slight octave, Jack smile grew wider.

"Jack! You're back." I smiled running up to him hugging him, "I've missed you. How are the rest of the Guardians?" 

"Same old, same old. Being Guardians." He smiled, "you want to go out and go sledding our something?" 

"Would I ever. But I can't my cousin is coming soon." 

"Cousin?" Jack asked curiously

"Yeah! Her names, Vanessa. You'll love her. She's awesome." I replied 

"But am I the awesomest?" Jack replied puffing up his chest egotistically, "I am the guardian of fun in all." 

"It's a tie." I laughed, I heard the familiar sound of car tires on ice and gravel. 

"She's here! Vanessa's here! Stay here." I motioned him to stay

"Sure thing, Jamie." He plopped himself on my bed. Abby came up and began to sniff his hood. I ran down the stairs as the door opened. 

"Look who's here!" My dad exclaimed as a very cold looking, Vanessa walked through the door. 

"Vanessa!" I ran towards her engulfing her in a hug. 

"Jamie!" She replied hugging me her warm embrace I really missed, "You're warm. Can I hug you forever?" She laughed, I laughed along." 

"Anessa!" I heard Sophia call from behind with a laugh, and soon felt her body clash against mine. 

"oof. Hey Soph. You're big now." Vanessa smiled hugging us both. I heard foots come down the stairs, a gasp and a clatter of something hitting the ground. 

"Woah." I heard Jack's voice say in disbelief. 

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