Never in my Life - Jack Frost (ROTG) Love Story [Ch.3 This Jack, This is Love]

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"oof. Hey Soph. You're big now." Vanessa smiled hugging us both. I heard foots come down the stairs, a gasp and a clatter of something hitting the ground. 

"Woah." I heard Jack's voice say in disbelief. 

* * * 

Jack's POV

Wow. Just Wow. Hello, Jamie's cousin. I did not expect you to be older, or taller, or... perfect. Nope. Did not expect that. I mentally slapped myself. I began to feel self conscious about my bare feet, and my state of hair. She can't see me.  I familiar disappointment coursed through me. "She can't see you." my brain whispered to me again, "but what if she can. What if she's a believer." my heart replied. The feeling of hope replaced inside me. 

"Vanessa! I have so many books to show you." Jamie smiled dragging her towards me, Jamie looked at me and smiled signaling towards Vanessa who was still trying to take off her boots. I nodded my head with a smile, with a thumbs up. But she was sure worth more than my thumbs up. She was absolute perfection. Her hair falling, and perfectly framing her face, her skin so fair, and so soft looking. As I slowly began to follow her with my eyes. I noticed her eyes, her eyes were what summed up her perfection. Her eyes were the color of a blueish grey. An ice blue. But the ice blue that was warm kind of ice blue if that made any sense. That reminded me of the first perfect snowflake of the winter season. The way they crinkled when she smiled made my heart practically stop. When I looked at her. Everything in life suddenly made sense. What is this feeling. I thought, and as though somewhere in the distant the moon spoke to me, This Jack. This is love.This is what love feels like. From here on now. I finally knew what I loved, why I loved, where I will love, how I love, and most importantly, who I love. And that was Vanessa. 

"Let's go up to my room. I have someone I want you to meet." Jamie smiled at me, I smiled back, and followed them up to his room. As I walked by Vanessa, she seemed to seize no notice I was there. She smelt sweet, and soft. As though the first layer of snow freshly hit the ground. I quietly followed up to Jamie's bedroom, and took my place on his bed. The sun was setting, a cloudy twilight filled the sky. I quietly watched Vanessa as she walked around Jamie's room taking in every detail. Her eyes shined, as if observing every fine speck in his room. She passed where I laid, I closed my eyes to take in her aroma, but soon open them to just stare at her beauty. I heard Abby walk in, panting in excitement.

"Abby!" Vanessa called out. Abby ran up to Vanessa, and pounced on her legs, sending her to fall back onto where I lay. But she fell through my legs as if I was merely the air that surrounded her. I don't know how I feel about this. She just fell through me, as if I didn't exist. But in a way, she touched me. Not in a perverted way. Just casual. I wanted to hold her, and protect her from everything, and to show her what I can do and what fun was like. I wanted to be with her. In every way possible. I looked over a Jamie, he gave me a look, that seemed to ask if I wanted him to introduce me. 

"Sure thing, Jamie." I smiled, he nodded back. 

"So Vanessa, you believe in the Easter Bunny, Tooth Fairy, Sandman, and Santa, right?" Jamie asked his thumbs twiddling.

"Of course." Vanessa replied fiddling with a ball in her hand

"Well, do you know Jack Frost?" My heart began to beat faster, I anticipated her answer. 

"Yeah I've heard of him." 

"Well do you believe in him?" Jamie asked his tone changing into more of a statement that a question. From the corner of my eye, I saw the Northern Lights that belonged to the Guardians. I had to go. I quickly got up, and Jack followed my movements. I looked at him apologetically. 

"I'll see you soon, Jamie." I smiled as I was already outside his window. He smiled back and waved. Then I was off. 

"Who are you waving at, Jamie?" Vanessa stuck her head out of the window. 

"Jack Frost." Jamie replied, "So do you believe in him?" 

"Yes. I do believe in, Jack Frost." My heart soared. 

"YES! WOOOHOOO" I called out as I did a flip in the sky, and headed towards the lights. I hope everything is alright. But that seemed to be pushed to the back of my mind as all I could hear was Vanessa's words, "Yes. I do believe in, Jack Frost." 

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