Boys will be Boys

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Hailey arrived at med in 5 minutes, she jumped out of the front and opened the back door so jay could keep a hold of Tate. They quickly made their way into the ED and Will saw them, "oh my god, what happened?" He took Tate out of jays arms and carried her into a treatment room, "either spiked drinks or she's lying about taking something" jay sighed. Will nodded and checked her stats and pupils, "well it's nothing she can't sleep off, I'll run a saline bag through her system. She'll be awake sooner that way..." he sighed and inserted an IV line into a sleeping tates arm.

He turned back to jay and hailey, "has she ever done this before?" Hailey frowned. Will shook his head, "nope, never. She's scared of parties, after jay told her about those three teenage girls he found dead at one, she's never asked to go to one. Apart from today..." he sighed. Hailey and jay furrowed their brows, "she's maybe got a reason, you know, maybe she didn't exactly go to party..." hailey brought up a possible reason. "I don't know, maybe, but I'm staying mad until she gives us a good explanation" jay sighed. Will nodded and hailey frowned as they looked at the sleeping teenager on the hospital bed.

Half an hour later and a cup of coffee down, jay noticed tates eyes open. He nudged wills arm and the three stood up, "Tate can you hear me?" Will walked over and checked how much solution was in the saline back still. She nodded her head but stayed facing away from her brothers, Will looked back at jay for him to take over. "Am I grounded now?" She spoke before the pair could, jay frowned. "Well if you tell us what happened then maybe not" he sighed. Tate screwed her face up, "why'd you care what happened? I still went" she mumbled from the pillow. Jay shot Will a confused glare, "We do care Tate now can you please tell us what happened so we can help you?" He shook his head.

Tate sighed, "I didn't wanna go" she started. Jay looked at Will with a confused expression, "so why did you?" He shook his head. Tate looked down, "because I had no choice..." she said quietly. Jay knew this was more than just her ignoring the brothers so he walked around and sat on a chair so he could see her but she stayed looking at the floor. "What do you mean no choice?" He softened his voice down a bit. Tate frowned and hesitated, "because Molly was being threatened so I had to go and keep her safe, some guys told her that if she didn't go they'd..." she cut herself off. Jay looked at hailey in worry, "they'd do what?" He got her talking again. Tate let a tear fall but quickly wiped it away, "rape her..." she whispered sadly.

Jay looked at the pair stood in the corner in shock, they weren't just dealing with teenage year troubles, they were dealing with peer pressure. "Alright so you went to the party to help molly but what about the drinking?"'he sighed. Tates eyes widened and jay noticed her worry, "did someone force you into it?" He grabbed her hand. Tate closed her eyes and nodded, "it's okay, what happened?" He frowned at the other two. Tate looked up at jay, "this boy walked over to me and molly with two drinks, he said we didn't have a choice so he sat down and made me drink the first one..." she frowned. Jay nodded for her to carry on, "then he left to go get another but I felt sick, I don't know what was in the cup but it wasn't good. He uh, he came back and forced the second drink down my throat, molly willingly drank hers..." she looked over at Will and hailey. Jay squeezed her hand, "we're not mad, did anything else happen?" He smiled weakly.

Tate looked at jay, "I mean he grabbed my ass a lot but that's normal so I guess that's it..." she said while sounding unbothered. Jay looked at her in shock, "he what? Grabbed your ass? Tate that's not normal, who told you it was?" He looked at Will and jay in worry. Tate looked around at the others in cluelessness, "uh my principal...wait so boys aren't meant to do that?" She sat up straight. Jay grabbed her hand and looked at her in worry, "no, if you didn't give him consent that's sexual assault Tate..." he shook his head. Tate looked down in sadness, "you told your principal, so it's happened before?" Will joined in. She looked up at him, "yeah, he said he couldn't do anything about it since there was no proof. He just said boys will be boys so I thought that meant it was normal..." she frowned. The three adults looked at each other with mixed emotions, "it's okay, we'll get him don't worry. You're not in trouble" jay smiled at her. She nodded and Will stepped in, "you've still got some fluids that need to get into your system so how about you rest and we'll leave you alone to sleep again?" He smiled and upped the dosage. Tate nodded and sunk back down into the bed to sleep again. The three adults left and talked outside.

"This is messed up" Will scoffed. Jay nodded and looked back to Tate, "we'll fix it, come on hails" he sighed and left to go sort it out. Will took one last look at Tate and then went back to work in the ED.

Jay and hailey told hank everything, "alright go to stateville, I'm sure they got everyone from the house" hank nodded. The partners nodded and left to go to the station, "what did she say his name was? Max?" Hailey sighed. Jay nodded, "yeah max" he frowned. An officer came back out with a blonde haired 17 year old, "you're under arrest for sexual assault and possession of drugs" jay handcuffed him while trying not to kill him for what he done to Tate. Hailey took over and jay drove back to the district. They got him to confess to everything, even spiking tates drinks. Once they were done hank had dismissed everyone so they were free to go back to med.

"Hey" jay waved to his brother as him and hailey walked into the ED. Will walked up to them, "did you get anything?" He smiled sadly at them. Jay nodded, "yeah the pricks going away, he admitted to everything" he smiled back. Will sighed in relief and nodded, "good" he smiled. The trio walked over to tates room, "is she good to come home?" Jay frowned outside of her room. Will nodded, "yeah she's good, I'm finishing my shift now so I'll be a few minutes. You can just take her home and I'll be back in a bit" he smiled. Jay nodded and waved Will off, "I best be going, call me if you need anything" hailey smiled and grabbed jays shoulder, "see you tomorrow" he waved her out.

"Hey small fry" jay smiled and used her nickname that himself and Will gave her to make fun of her short height. Tate smiled as he walked closer to her, "I'm sorry for not telling you sooner..." she frowned. Jay sat down and met her eye level, "it doesn't matter, all that matters is that it's over now. He's never gonna touch you or anyone else again okay?" He smiled. Tate looked tiredly at him, she smiled and nodded. "Come on let's get you home" he smiled and stood up. He helped Tate off the bed, she was still in her dress from the party so he wrapped his jacket around her and lead her out of the ED and to his car.

"Come on" jay nudged a tired Tate into the house. He helped her into her room then gave her a minute to change in private before walking back into her room, "if you need me just shout" he tucked her in. "Night" he walked over to the door. "Wait, can you leave the door open?" She stopped him in his tracks. Jay turned back around and smiled, "of course" he left the door open and went into the living room. A few minutes later and will appeared home, "where is she?" He said quietly. Jay nodded to her room, "sleeping" he pressed play on the hockey game. Will nodded and went to check on her before joining jay to watch the hockey game.

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