They're Back!

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(Callie's POV)

"Arizona?" Callie called for her in the living room.

"Yeah, Calliope?" Arizona answered.

"I er just got off the phone with Yang." Callie started.

"Cristina?"Arizona questioned, walking into the living room.

"Yeah, apparently, she's the Chief of Surgery at Grey Sloan."

"Really? Yangs back?" Arizona sat down on the couch next to her wife.

"Yeah, she uh offered us our old jobs back." Callie said.

"Do you want to go back?" Arizona asked.

"I think we should. Sofia misses her friends and I miss our old friends. That's where our village is. Don't you think?" Callie grabbed Arizona's hand."

"I guess we're going home." Arizona smiled.

(Cristina's POV)

Before she knew it it was the 12th. Boy was everyone in for a surprise.

"I have an announcement." She told the group of people.

"We have a few new doctors starting today. Please welcome them and be on your best behaviour. Get to work!"

Everyone dispersed. Meredith and Hayes we're walking up towards the Peds floor when they ran into someone.

"Arizona? What are you doing here?"

"I er work here now. Cristina hired me." Arizona smiled awkwardly.

"Oh right uh Arizona, this is Cormac Hayes Chief of Peds. Hayes, this is Arizona Robbins." Meredith introduced the two.

"Hello, it's nice to meet you." Hayes smiled shaking the blonde's hand. "Hi" She smiled back.

"I can't believe your back. Is Callie here too? What about Sofia?" Meredith asked.

"Yeah uh we all are here. Callie is dropping Sof off at the Day Care now. I bet Zola's gonna be ecstatic." Arizona grinned. "The whole plane ride here she was talking about her friends and Zola and everyone. She's so happy. " Arizona smiled.

Hayes pager went off and he had to leave. "Later Grey, nice to meet you Robbins."

"What's going on between you two?" She smirked.

"Me and Hayes? We're friends." Meredith laughed.

"Whatever ever Robbins I gotta go." She laughed and turned towards the pit.

"Disgusting? It's more then disgusting. People are dying from this stuff. Go and tell your friends. I mean it! Go! Go and tell half the school they're turning their lungs into rubbish dumps. Get out of my face. Go!" Meredith heard Hayes yell at a group of teenagers. She decided to walk over there.

"Rubbish dumps huh? Really trying to scare these parents." She nudged his shoulder.

He sighed. "In my defence, I was trying to scare the kids."

"She looked up towards the nurse's station. "Addison" She whispered.

"Huh?" Hayes asked.

"I gotta go." She says walking over to the nurses station. Addison had shoulder-length wavy auburn colored hair. and was wearing a black dress. Just like the day they had met, except now, she was wearing black flats.  She still looked stunning.

"Addison Montgomery, what do I owe this pleasure?" She laughed.

"Meredith Grey, " she smiled.

"What are you doing in Seattle?" Meredith asked.

"I have a patient. Cara Green. The baby has myelomeningocele. Her tiny spinal cord is open, and leaking fluid." Addison said.

"Oh wow, how far along is she?" Meredith asked. It was a very rare and complicated surgery.

"23 weeks. I can't operate on her until she's at least 25 weeks though. You interested in scrubbing in?"

"Maybe. You should page Amelia too. She'd love to see you." She said.

"Mrs. Green is in room 324 if your interested. I gotta go." Addison turned on her heal.


Meredith saw Amelia in the cafe eating lunch with Link and sat down.

"I have a surprise for you." Meredith said happily.

"What is it." Amelia smiled excitedly. "A new surgery?"

"Yes. With your favorite sister." She laughed.

"I'm sorry to tell you this Meredith, but you aren't my favorite sister."

"Well thanks," Meredith said sarcastically. "But I wasn't talking about me. Addison is here and she has a 23 weeker who has myelomeningocele. You interested?" She laughs.

"Addison is in this hospital? Seriously? Addies here?" Amelia jumped up excitedly. She kissed Links cheek and then left the cafe without another word.

"Who's Addison?" Link asked confused. "She wasn't at the family dinner party in New York last year."

Meredith laughed. "That's my dead husbands ex wife." She laughed. "And Amelias best friend. They lived in LA together." She explained.

"Twisted." Link chuckles.

"You have no idea."

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