Chapter 6

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"There is a conference being held at the Boston City Banquet Hall this Thusday. (6/14/19) I request that Dr. Theadora Altman, Dr. Arizona Robbins, Dr. Cormac Hayes, Dr. Meredith Grey, and Dr. Christina Yang attend said conference. They are opted to show the night before and asked to leave that Saturday. (6/16/19) The schedule varies depending on the lectures you wish to attend.

Please see attached link for schedules"

Meredith read her latest email. Great, she would need to ask either Amelia or Maggie to babsit her kids while she attended. That's almost half the attending that would be attending. That meant it must be important. She closed her laptop and decided to pull out her journal. She would need to right it down so that she didn't forget.

"Morning Meredith." he smiled handing her a cup.

"Thank you." she said returning the smile. He sat down next to her.

"Did you read you're email? There is a conference in Boston this Thursday and a group of us attending we're requested to join.

"Yeah I heard about it. My kids are staying with their aunt. She lives down there so she's happy to see them." He explained.


Two days had passed and it was Wednesday afternoon. She had packed all her stuff and and was about to board her plane. She was feeling antic. She hated planes. She had lost her sister in a plane crash and the last time she was on a play she ended up doing brain surgery on a man mid air. She was pulled out of her thoughts by a 14-year-old boy laughing at his older brother.

"Dr. Grey? What are you doing here?" the boy said.

"Austin, hi. I'm attending the Boston Conference. I'm waiting for my plane. I heard you're going to come too." She smiled.

"Yeah, my aunt lives there. We are staying with her for a day or two while we're there." he smiled. "May I sit here?" he asked gestering to a seat near her.

"Go ahead." she smiled.

Liam and Hayes walked over. "Grey? Your here too?" he asked in his thick Irish accent.

"Well there is only so many flights from Seattle to Boston on Wednesday afternoons." she joked. Liam chuckled.
Cormac and Liam sat across from Meredith next to Austin.

"Are you okay?" he asked noticing she seemed tense.

"I hate planes" she whispered.

"Do you want to talk about it?" he asked.

"I was in a plane crash," she whispers. She didn't want the kids to hear her and get scared.

"The Seattle Grace 5?" he asked. "I remember Yang mentioning it.

She shook her head. "There were six of us. My sister died. And so did my friend Mark, her fiance. It was bad." she shook her head trying to shake the feeling off.

"You know Dr. Yang?" Liam asked.

"Uh huh, she's my best friend. We did are internship, residency, and fellowships together here in Seattle." she smiled.

"Have you ever been outside of the country?" Austin asked.

She nodded smiling. "Yeah, all over."

"What's your favorite place you've traveled to?" he asked.

"Probably Italy or Spain." she said thoughtfully. "England is nice. I liked all the landmarks."

"Can you speak another language?" he asked.

"You're full of questions aren't you?" She asked chuckling lightly.

"Sorry, I like to get to ask questions." he shrugged.

"I can speak Italian. How about you, can you speak another language?" she asked.

"My dad is teaching us Gaelic." he smiled.

"I can speak Gaeilge and I'm taking Spanish 3 right now." Liam said joining in the conversation.

"Oh really? Say something." She asked smiling.

"Ar scáth a chéile a mhaireann na daoine." He says.

"What does it mean?" She asked, shaking her head laughing.

"People live in each other's shadow" Hayes smiled.

"Ayy" Liam said. "Dad usually makes me speak to him in Gaeilge so I can practice." He replies, rolling his eyes playfully.

"It's beneficial," Hayes sayes. "How else are you going to speak to your gran and camps?"

"Yeah, yeah I know da." He says.


The plane was boarding and Meredith was sitting in her seat gripping the latches on the side of her seat tightly. She always hated this part. She double checked her buckle and made sure it was fastened tightly.

"Do you mind if I sit here? All the rest are taken and my boys are a few rows up." came a thick Irish accent.

She knew that voice. She had come accustomed to it. It always seemed to relax her. "Sure" she tried to smile.

Sensing her discomfort he sat down and asked, "Are you okay? Do you need anything?"

"I hate planes." she mumbled

"Okay so lets talk. What should we talk about?" he asked trying to distract her.

"I don't know, " she shrugs.

"Tell me the rubber duck story?" he asks.

"The what?" She turns her head looking at him.

"The rubber duck story. You said there was a rubber duck story. I want to hear about it." he explains.

She thinks for a moment before a grin spreads across her face. "You don't want to hear that story."

"Why not?" he asked eyebrows raised.

"It's embarrassing. Beyond embarrassing. We don't know each other well enough quite yet." She laughs.

He puts his hand on his chest mockingly. "You wound me Grey."

She playfully smacks him. "Yeah yeah, you'll be fine."

"Looks like you'll have to to tell me a different story." He shrugs.

"Who says I owe you anything?" she smirks.

"Oh come on, you know you like me." he teases.

"Fine, what do you want to hear?" she sighs. She never seemed to be able to say no when it came to him.

They chatted mindlessly for an hour or so until Meredith fell asleep. She was laying on his shoulder and he didn't seem to mind.

He wouldn't admit it but it was actually kind of a f nice. Her hair smelt of lavender and she wore a fruity perfume. He liked it.

He carefully pulled out his phone from his pocket trying not to wake her.

"How are you and your brother?" he texted Liam.

"Were fine da, how's Meredith?" he asked. He immediately responded.

Confused he answered. "Were fine."

"You look comfy." Liam teases.

Looking over a few aisles ahead he sees Liam smirking.

"Enjoying yourself?" he asks.

Cormac just rolls his eyes in response and closes his eyes.


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 03, 2021 ⏰

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