Chapter 8

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I watch Aang struggle to get Appa to leave the village. I'm having no problems with Olla other than she wants to sleep. Appa's formed a stronger bond with Katara and Sokka than Olla has and doesn't want to leave them.

   I'm currently sitting on Olla's back a few feet away, waiting for Aang to either get Appa to agree or just give up. My fingers graze across my arm. I'd noticed that after coming back from the spirit world, the burn is completely gone. Healed. Like nothing had happened.

   "Let's go, Appa! Come on, boy." Aang continues to yank on Appa's reins. Appa sits down and lets out a stubborn grunt. "Look, I'm sorry, but Katara and Sokka aren't coming to the Fire Nation with us. If they got hurt, I'd never forgive myself," he says quietly. Then he stomps. "So get your big butt off the ground and let's go!" He yanks on the reins so hard they pull him back and he falls on the ground. I snort.

   "Dear brother, I don't think he's going anywhere without them," I say. 

   "Yeah, I think his big butt is trying to tell you something." Aang spins around and I glance over at where Katara, Sokka and some of the villagers had come out.

   "Ling, Aang, please don't go," Katara pleads. "The world can't afford to loose you to the Fire Nation. Neither can I."

   "But I have to talk to Roku to fins out what my vision means," Aang says. "I need to get to the fire temple before the sun sets on the solstice. That's today!" He jumps up onto Appa's head and grabs the reins. Appa takes a few steps forward an I move to take Olla's reins. 

   Katara runs to stand in front of Appa and Sokka stands in front of Olla. I give him a dry look and he crosses his arms stubbornly.

   "We're not letting you go into the Fire Nation, Aang." I raise an eyebrow. Like they could really stop us. I'd have no problem knocking them onto their butts if it meant we could go and someone I cared about was safe. If it was up to me, Aang would be staying here, too, and I'd be the only one going into the Fire Nation. Too bad Aang is also the Avatar and needs to be there as much as I do.

   "At least not without your friends," Sokka adds, smiling up at me and crossing his arms. "We got your back." I give him a small smile back. Olla surprises me and steps forward to lick Sokka. "Ew!" I bust out laughing as he tries to wipe the bison slobber off and scratch Olla's head. She rarely shows affection to people aside from Aang or I and I want to show her that doing it isn't a bad thing. 

   Sokka and Katara climb onto Appa's back and Aang tosses me the supplies Man Bun had given us. I crawl back onto Olla's saddle to secure it.

   "Go!" Man Buns demands and Appa jumps into the sky, Olla soon following. I secure the bag and quickly make my way back to the reins. I check the tether to make sure it's secure and I glance at Aang. He nods, so I know he's already checked his side and it's fine.

   "Why don't you take a nap?" I call over. "Olla and I can lead. You need your strength." He opens his mouth to protest and I glare at him. He sigh and crawls into Appa's saddle, knowing I'm not going to argue with him over this. I snap Olla's reins and she takes the lead. 

A few hours later, my eyes are drooping and I hear my name being called. I glance over in confusion. I'd made Sokka and Katara go to bed along with Aang not long after he'd gone to sleep. I sigh when I see Aang is awake.

   "You need rest, too," he calls over. "Sleep some. Just for a little while. I can handle a few hours and you need sleep just as much as I do. And you know they could go off course if you fall asleep at the reins." My mouth snaps shut from the protest I was about to give. He isn't wrong. It can be dangerous. I nod and leans down so that Olla can hear me.

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