Chapter 11

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I'd barely talked to Aang since Jet. He's tried and tried to get me to carry a conversation with him, but I really just don't want to be around him. He really hurt me when choosing to believe Jet over me and it nearly got an entire town killed. Katara and Sokka are back to normal. They were back to normal pretty much immediately. I haven't talked to her much either. I really just haven't talked. 

   I look over when I hear Sokka grunting and see him crawling out of a poorly made tent. 

   "Um, aren't you forgetting the tarp?" Katara asks, walking up with sticks for the fire. 

   "Right. Got it." Sokka throws the rolled up tarp into the tent and Katara glares at him.

   "Sokka, you're supposed to put the tarp on top of the tent. You know, so we don't get rained on." 

   "Ordinarily you'd be right, but seeing as it's the dry season, you're not." He kneels and starts fiddling with something I can't see. "Besides, that tarp makes a pretty warm blanket."

   "But what if it does rain?" 

   "What if it doesn't? Then I would have put the tarp up for nothing."

   "Ugh!" Katara stomps her foot on the ground. "You're infuriating."

   "Katara, why don't you worry about gathering the firewood? Because that kindling's looking pretty sorry."

   "Well if you don't like my firewood-uh!" She throws the sticks at Sokka. He jumps to his feet and I groan. 

   "Fine by me! If you're not going to do your job-uh!" He pulls a rope on the tent and it crashes to the ground. Right about then is when Aang shows up. 

   "Okay, I got the grub if you guys got the-hey, where's the campfire," Sokka and Katara turn their back on each other and cross their arms, "and what happened to the tent?"

   "Why don't you ask Miss Know It All, queen of the twigs?" Sokka suggests and I snort. Katara spins to face him, but he keeps his back to her.

   "Oh, yeah? Well, you Mr. Lazy Bum, king of the," she stoops to grab a stick and throws it at his head, "tents!" He turns and glares at her while Aang laughs.

   "Okay. Listen, guys. Harsh words won't solve problems. Action will. Why don't you just switch jobs?"

   "Sounds good," Katara says at the same time Sokka mutters, "Whatever." 

   "You see that? Settling feuds and making peace-all in a day's work for the Avatar." Except for when it comes to his sister, that is.  As if he could read my thoughts, which who knows what all we can do, he shoots me a guilty look. 

   Momo starts yowling and I look over to see Appa holding a piece of fruit while Momo struggles to pull it away from him. Olla is nudging Appa, trying to get him to give her the fruit. I shake my head. Appa leans to the side and then slams into Olla, making her stumble and grunt in frustration. Momo gives up and walks away. Appa scoops the fruit onto his tongue and Momo takes the opportunity to snatch it and run. He doesn't get very far before Olla's teeth close on his tail and she yanks him back before he runs into Aang. Momo drops the fruit and Aang grabs it. 

   Aang throws the fruit in the air and slices it into three pieces, one small and two big. Appa and Olla each down their pieces and Momo looks at his much smaller piece in dismay. 

   "Come on, Momo, that's fair," Aang says. "They have five stomachs!" Momo accepts defeat and eats his fruit before Appa or Olla have the chance to take it from him. 

I sit with my feet hanging over the edge of the cliff, looking out over the Great Divide. 

   "There it is, guys. The Great Divide," Aang says, standing a little ways behind me. 

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