Chapter 2

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We get back and the village is not happy with us. Sokka insists that we're spies for the Fire Nation and we'd purposely set off the flare, Katara defends us and her grandmother is just over all angry and disappointed. 

   "Don't blame Katara," Aang says. "I brought her there. Both she and Ling said it was a bad idea, but I didn't listen. It's my fault." 

   "A-ha! The traitor confesses! Warriors, away from the enemy. The foreigners are banished from our village." The kids that had gathered around Aang when we'd arrived, slink back to the others with their heads lowered. I roll my eyes. 

   "Sokka, you're making a mistake," Katara says. 

   "No, I'm keeping my promise to dad. I'm protecting you from threats like them." What exactly did I do?

   "They are not our enemy! Don't you see? They've brought us something we haven't had in a long time-fun."

   "Fun? We can't fight firebenders with fun!"

   "What's the point in surviving if you're not living?" I ask.

   "You should try it sometime," Aang says with a smile. 

   "Get out of our village now!" Sokka shouts. I roll my eye, but shrug and head over to Olla. I hear Katara plead with her grandmother, but I know the village has already made up its mind.

   "Fine! Then I'm banished too!" She shouts and I turn to stare at her. She can't be serious. "Come on, lets go." She grabs Aang's arm and drags him to Appa. 

   "Where do you think you're going?" Sokka demands.

   "To find a waterbender. Aang and Ling are taking me to the North Pole." I raise my eyebrows. When did we decide this?

   "I am? Great!" Excuse me?

   "Katara! Would you really chose him over your tribe, your own family?" Aang and Katara talk for a bit. He hops up onto Appa.

   "It was nice meeting everyone," he says and I nod in agreement. My eyes catch on Sokka. So, maybe not everyone.

   "Let's see your bison fly now, airboy," Sokka says and I want to punch him.

   "Come on, Appa, you can do it." He flicks Appa's reins. "Yip yip!" Appa wearily gets to his feet and so does Olla. 

   "Yeah, I thought so," Sokka says just as I little girl starts crying and runs for Aang. She stops at Katara's side. I glare at Sokka and flick my wrist. A gust of wind takes Sokka's feet out from under him and I smirk.

   "Aang, don't go. I'll miss you," the little girl says. 

   "I'll miss you, too," he says. "Come on, boy," he says to Appa. Appa starts walking and I flick Olla's reins to follow. We stop and an iceberg for a break a little ways away. Though I think it's mostly for Aang to pout. I'm sitting across from him inside a hole in the ice berg. My eyes are closed and I'm trying to relax when Aang gasps. 

   "The village!" he exclaims. I crack an eye and look at him in confusion.

   "What about it?" I ask, then something moving in my peripheral vision catches my attention. I turn my head and see a Fire Navy ship heading towards the direction of the village. I groan. "We're going back, aren't we?" I ask. He doesn't answer, just hops down. "Yeah, I figured." I hop down and follow him as he takes off running. We run by two penguins and decide to use them. Sitting in their backs, we create our own air currents to push through the snow. 

   The ship is already there when we arrive and Aang goes barreling through the legs of the lead guy, knocking him over. I swing my staff as I pass by and the rest of the men go flying as a whip of air hits them. The kids cheer when they see us. 

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