Chapter 4

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I shake my head as I watch Aang ride the Elephant Koi. He's a nut. An absolute nut. I walk off o go lay in Olla's saddle. I've seen him do this a million times and have even done it a few times myself. Nothing new. 

   "Hey, girly. You feeling okay?" I ask, petting Olla's nose. She's not used to flying all day with so few breaks. She groans and licks me and I groan in response. "Why? Why do you feel the need to do that?" Nuzzling into me, she lets out a huff and I sigh. "You know I can't stay mad at you." My head jerks to the side when I hear Aang scream. I take off running and see Sokka crumpled against a tree and Aang pulling his clothes on. "Uh, what happened?" 

   "Something in the water tried to eat Aang," Katara says, running over. "What was that thing?"

   "I don't know," Aang answers as I help Sokka up.

   "Well, lets not stick around to find out. Time to hit the road," Sokka says. Something hits my head and I grunt, falling to the ground. I hear the others making sounds of distress as someone quickly blindfolds me and ties me up. "Or we could stay a while," Sokka says and I snort. 

"You four have some explaining to do," a man's voice says. We're now tied to a pole and are still blindfolded. 

   "And if you don't answer all our questions, we're throwing back in the water with the Unagi," a girl's voice says.

   "Is that the thing that attacked my brother?" I ask in a bored tone.

   "Show yourselves, cowards!" Sokka yells and I roll my eyes under the blindfold. Our blindfolds are ripped away and I blink as my eyes readjust to the light. A bunch of girls in funny makeup and warrior like dresses and an old man are in front of us. Kyoshi warriors. "Who are you? Where are the men who ambushed us?" 

   "There were no men. We ambushed you," a girl says. It was the same one from before. "Now, tell us, who are you and what are you doing here?"

   "Wait a second. There's no way a bunch of girls took us down," Sokka says.

   "A bunch of girls? What is that supposed to mean?" I glare at Sokka. 

   "A bunch of girls, huh?" the girl that seems to be in charge says, grabbing Sokka's collar. "The Unagi's gonna eat well tonight." 

   "No, don't hurt him! He didn't mean it!" Katara says frantically. "My brother's just an idiot sometimes."

   "I actually agree with her," I say to Katara. I glance at the girl. "Can I go second so I can see him get eaten?" I ask. 

   "It's my fault," Aang says. "I'm sorry we came here. I wanted to ride the elephant Koi."

   "How do we know you're not Fire Nation spies?" the old man asks rather rudely. "Kyoshi stayed out of the war so far and we intend to keep it that way." I glance at Aang.  

   "This island is named for Kyoshi? I know Kyoshi," Aang says happily. The old man scoffs. 

   "How could you possibly know her? Avatar Kyoshi was born here four hundred years ago. She's been dead for centuries." I look up at the wooden statue of Kyoshi above us.

   "I know her because I'm the Avatar," Aang says. 

   "That's impossible," the girl exclaims. "The last Avatar was was an airbender who disappeared over one hundred years ago." 

   "That's me," Aang says with a grin.

   "Throw the imposter to the Unagi," the old man says with a scowl. The girls pull out fans and creep near us. I raise an eyebrow.

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