Testing Begins

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I had given up on resisting as the two cloaked men dragged me to a room. Things had gotten worse over the days, they began beating me and giving me less and less food. We finally arrived to a large room with a mechanical contraption in the center. It looked like a large circle, and in the center four metal contraptions jutted out. The circle had what appeared to be a control panel on the side, at which brother blood stood. The two men stuck my arm near one of the metal contraptions and two pieces came together and restrained my hands. This was done to all of my limbs, as I barley stood slumped over, the two men the only things holding me up. I was soon suspended within the circle, my neck unable to support my head. I tried to speak, to yell, to even whisper, but only silence echoed through my dry lips. Being an Atlantean I needed much more water than regular humans to survive and I was getting less than some humans could survive with. I hung there as the murky voice of brother blood echoed through the room, followed by everything turning black.

Ok guyz I am having some writers block so I need u to give me feed back, I think the next chapter will be about speedy, what do u guyz think?

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