The Docks

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I was waiting at the docks I clenched a photo of Aqualad. The seagulls screeched and the salty smell of the water reminded me of him. As brother blood approached I sadly tossed the photo into the seas below. "So you showed up." Did I even have a choice, speedy said with discontent. Brother blood led speedy to what seemed to be an animal burrow in the middle of a forest in nowhereville. But as he lifted a branch from the tree next to it a larger hole appeared with a staircase leading to a high tech layer below.

AQUALAD'S POV(aka Garth)

I woke up in my room and smiled. I got up and went to Roy's room to check on him, but he was nowhere. I almost panicked but I decide to ask bumblebee if she'd seen him. "You mean redhead? I haven't seen him since your sleepover yesterday." Garth blushed deeply. "So you uh know?" Bumblebee looked up "You guys think I'm stupid. Hell yes I know! I can see you holding hands under the table and going to each others room. Plus Mas and Menos saw you making kissy faces." Oh, Aqualad said as he looked down in shame. "Now honey it ain't nothing to be ashamed of just don't go making out in front of the twins again. Now why you looking for Roy?"

I can't find him anywhere.


Brother blood led me to a room full of weird machines. I looked up sadly at one that showed Aqualad and a ton of controls. As I glanced one button, a large red one, said die. A tear feel gently down my cheek, I'm sorry Aqualad. I sat down on a metal table in a small inclosed room. I wiped my eyes when I saw blood coming back. He handed me a red suit with spikes and a skull on the front. I hesitantly put the suit on and laid my old suit on the table. I looked at the mirror on the wall. As I stared back all I could see was someone I'd never thought I'd become. I lost control I clenched my fist and punched the mirror. Glass shattered everywhere it scraped my hands deeply, scars I'd always have. I grabbed my mask and put it on. I walked out the room blood trickling from my hands. Blood was waiting outside. The mask stays. "No need to be grumpy, your going on a field trip, and you get to see your precious friends and dear Aqualad. I grimaced , if you think I'm going to hurt them...

(Brother blood) thats the thing speedy if you don't hurt them I will. Although Aqualad has a more complicated nanobot with more torture devices, all your friends have a simplified version capable of causing extreme pain instead of death. So its your choice. Here is a ear piece to communicate with me and if you finally come to your senses here is a remote, this button here when pressed when you turn the safety off will kill Aqualad. YOUR A FOOL IF YOU THINK ID EVER PRESS THAT BUTTON! Bloo shrugged and told me I'd be stealing some orb. I stepped on my way,I was forced.


We were going to look for speedy, we had found his communicator and was able to learn brother blood had something to do with it. But we got a crime alert from the museum downtown. "Red heads gonna have to wait." Bumblebee replied. I sighed as we made are way. When we arrived at the museum and split up to look for the culprit. As I looked among the glass cases I saw him. I couldn't understand. Speedy? what are you doing here, why are you stealing that.

( ) =brother blood

(Go ahead and tell him...our plans have changed) Speedy's face looked confused but then soon told me brother blood blackmailed him and that if he didn't do what he said he'd kill him. He then showed me a remote with a button that had the word printed "die" on it.


I put the remote on a glass case. I looked up and Aqualad was crying, but smiling, he kissed me lightly. Still smiling he said Just know Roy I love you with all my heart and I do this because of it. Before I could do anything he snatched the remote, released the safety and pressed the button. He fell on his back onto the ground I quickly kneeled beside him tears streaming down my cheeks. Aqualad placed his hand on my cheek , I looked him in the eyes and all i could see was peace. He smiled at me, blood dropped from his lips. His hand slowly fell from my cheek. I clung to his body I pulled him against my chest his body swayed limply with mine as it rose and feel with every sob.

I felt a hand on my shoulder. I whipped around tears still running. It was bumblebee she looked at me and I was ashamed brother blood had tricked me he knew Aqualad loved me so much he'd kill himself to let me be free from blood. I smashed my ear piece in my hand. I wouldn't let him go not after all this. I picked up Aqualad's cold hand and grasped it tightly. I'll get you back Aqualad. I picked him up bridle style and began walking. "were are you going?" said bumblebee faintly. To see a friend who will fix this.

Yay for long suspensful chapters

This is my favorite one so far

Hope you like it and thank you to the new readers!

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