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I sprinted through the forest, pushing branches out of the way, whose whiplash scratched my arms in revenge. I held up my arrow defensively and scanned the area for any signs of Aqualad or Brotherblood. Suddenly I caught a splotch of blue in my peripheral. I turned around and the splotch of blue began to run in the other direction. I immediately ran after it, frantically trying not to trip over roots and rocks that scattered the forest floor. "AQUALAD?! IS THAT YOU?!" I shouted, No response. The splotch was indiscernible from the many trees and bushes camouflaging him as he continued to run. "WHY ARE YOU RUNNING?!" I bellowed, no response. "I see your the fast and silent type, just my luck." I said to myself as I hurried past the island's scenery, taking no time to take in the beautiful sight. The blotch led me to a clearing within the woods and promptly stopped and turned around. I couldn't tell if I was relieved or if I was devastated. It was Aqualad. I froze in place, looking at him, but it didn't feel like he was looking at me. "Aqualad? Are you... alright?" "Oh he is quite alright, I would say." Brotherblood cooed as he stepped out of the forest with a devilish smirk on his face. I whipped out my bow and pulling an arrow into place, the end of the arrow as well as my middle and ring finger, lightly touching my cheek. "Now, now Speedy... Let's not act rashly, we wouldn't want Aqualad getting hurt now would we." "WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO HIM!" I growled, still armed and ready with my bow. "Oh I'd love to tell you, but I don't think you're in any position to be making demands right now." Brotherblood sneered. "And I would drop the bow if I were you, since Aqualad will quite literally do anything I tell him." Brotherblood cackled, as Aqualad stepped in front of him in a defensive stance. Damnit, he had me right were he wanted me. I dropped my bow, my teeth clenched angrily in defeat. "Excellent, Aqualad, apprehend him." Brotherblood commanded. Aqualad hastily walked over to me and twisted both my arms behind my back, attaching some sort of restraints to my wrists and began to lead me. My mind was rushing with thoughts, what has he done to Al, can he be fixed, and how. My thoughts were interrupted when Aqualad kicked me through a door into a small inclosed room. I laid on the hard floor my head throbbing with pain. My rest was short lived, however, Aqualad lifted me by my collar and threw me into a metal chair and proceeded to chain me to it. I was in shock and couldn't comprehend what exactly Brotherblood said next. "Aqualad... I want you to break him." Suddenly, Aqualad's figure stood over me and began to walk towards me. "Al...?"

To be continued .....

Cupids Arrow: a Tale of SpaquaWhere stories live. Discover now