Erifef story!! (For me)

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It was a pretty average day like any other, Feferi and Eridan still lived in a hive together. Feferi was cuddled up against Eridan, her head against his chest. She was asleep. Eridan was stroking her hair. He hadn't fallen asleep yet, it was around 4 am. Rain was falling from the sky. They had lived only a couple of minutes away from a beach. Before too long, Eridan tapped feferi's shoulder. "Feeeef." He said quietly. Feferi had no reply. "Feeeeeeeef." She still had been asleep. He tapped her shoulder again. "Fef wwake up." Feferi rubbed her eye. "Erifin it's so e-arly... w)(at could you possibly n-e-ed?" She responded, obviously sounding very tired. He glanced at the window. Feferi looked very confused. "Let's go to the beach.. dummy." Eridan muttered. "Eridan- its so early..-" Feferi replied, while starting to yawn. Eridan grabbed the fuschiabloods hand and started walking. Feferi, still tired, not knowing what was going on, just followed behind him. She was too tired to care. Eventually, they were at the beach. Feferi rubbed her eye again to focus her vision. "Erifin?-" she said. "Yeeeees?" He responded. "It's- raining." "I am awware." "W)(y did you drag me to t)(-e b-eac)( in w-eat)(-er lik-e t)(is?" She said, looking very confused. "It's romantic... dumbass." Feferi immediately turned a bright pink. "R-Romantic?" She said. Instead of responding like a normal person, he pulled her in. A soft pressure applied to both of their lips. They were pulled into a kiss. When they pulled away, Feferi was even more pink than before. She tried to hide it, but was obviously really bad at it. Eridan could tell, but never said anything. All of a sudden, Feferi stumbles into the water. She starts giggling, Eridan on the other hand looks concerned. "Fef are you okay-" ")(a)(a!! I'm fin! Don't worry!! 38)" Eridan reaches out for her hand to help her up, but before he knew it... SHE PULLED HIM INTO THE WATER WITH HER. "Hey- wwhat wwas that for?" Feferi starts giggling even more. "Fun!" She started splashing him. "Oh twwo can play at this game." He responded, he started splashing her back. They were both giggling and having an amazing time. Two hours had already passed! Feferi had forgotten how tired she was, because she was having such a good time! "Let's get back to the hive, wwe've been out here for quite a wwhile now." Feferi nodded. Eridan scooped her up in his arms and they went back to their hive. Feferi cuddled up against Eridan again, falling asleep once again.

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