Arasol!! (For bug)

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Aradia sighed while laying down on her bed. Sollux was on his computer, hacking, doing what he normally does. Aradia just sat there. On her phone. But then she got an idea! She snuck up behind sollux, and hugged him from behind. "Huh- AA what wa2 that for-" Aradia smiled brightly. "I just felt like it!" Sollux hugged her back. "I'm 2orry AA but ii have to get back to work." Aradia frowned back at him. Sollux knew he couldn't stand a chance against her. He sighed and said, "Alriight... I gue22 I can take the day off... just for you.." Aradia smiled brightly once again and cheered. "Yay!!" "Yeah yeah.. whatever." Sollux responded. She pulled him onto the bed. Sollux immediately started blushing. "AA what are you doing?-" He looked very confused. Aradia giggled to herself, while pulling Sollux into a cuddle. Sollux blushed even more. "Hello?? AA?? You gonna an2wer me?" Aradia yanked his glasses. "Huh- what wa2 that f-" "Look! I'm thollux! And I alwayth want attention! Attention, attention attention!" Aradia giggled. "Hey- give tho2e back- that wa2nt funny AA." Aradia placed sollux's glasses back on him. "Ow- you poked my eye-" "haha.. s0rry!" She continued to cuddle him. He continued to blush. He wanted to get up and keep working, but she just looked so darn adorable! Plus, he had promised her he'd spend the day with her. Aradia yawned, it was getting late anyways. Before they knew it, she was asleep. Right while cuddling sollux.

(Just so you know, they're cuddling in the spoon position, aradia being the little spoon, but facing towards sollux instead, if you don't know what it is look it up.)

Sollux was panicking. This had never happened before. One wrong move and he could wake her up. He wouldn't let that happen. He then realized how calm and peaceful she was. Eventually, he fell asleep too.

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