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Nepeta hissed at karkat, scaring the living shit out of him. "WHAT THE FUCK- WHAT DID I DO?- YA WOKE ME UP... DUMBASS." Nepeta giggled to herself. "AC looks karkitty in the eyes and says, it was to wake him up! Obviously..." Nepeta replied. "OKAY... BUT WOULD YOU FUCKING STOP TALKING LIKE THAT? WE'RE NOT ON FUCKING PESTERCHUM BITCH." Nepeta frowned. "AC frowns slightly. Why can't karkitty roleplay with her?" "IM NOT GONNA FUCKING ROLEPLAY WITH YOU NEPETA." Nepeta frowned even more. "Pleeeeeaaaaase..? AC begged karkitty." Nepeta said this, giving him big puppy dog eyes. Karkat started shielding his eyes. He knew he didn't stand a chance against her. "KARKAT CAN'T FUCKING BELIEVE HE'S DOING THIS. KARKAT CAN'T STAND A CHANCE AGAINST NEPETA, CAN HE?" Nepeta cheered happily. "AC perks up! She asks karkitty if he would like to watch a movie with her." Karkat rolled his eyes. "KARKAT SAYS SURE, EVEN THOUGH HE COULD CARE LESS." Nepeta smiled once more. They start watching the movie, just sitting there on the couch. They have popcorn. Nepeta is happily munching on it. Karkat takes a couple of pieces, but mainly lets nepeta have it. "This movie is purrety good! AC says happily." Nepeta exclaimed. Karkat glanced over at her. She was still happily munching on the popcorn. "AC lays on karkitty's lap!" Nepeta started moving over, putting the popcorn on a side table next to them, while resting her head on karkats lap. Karkat blushed madly. He covered his face again. "Karkitty are you blushing? AC says while holding in a giggle." "PSHHHH.... NOOO.." Nepeta actually did giggle this time. She continued to rest her head on karkat and they continued the movie happily. Eventually, Karkat actually did want popcorn. He reached for the bowl, but before he could even touch it... Nepeta JUMPS out of his lap, and guards the popcorn while hissing at karkat. "HISSSSSSS" "OKAYOKAY- YOU CAN HAVE THE POPCORN-" Nepeta smiled. "Good. Now that's how it should be!" Nepeta went back to laying on karkat, while eating the rest of the popcorn.

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