Chapter 4 "It's the voice!"

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Jake's P.O.V
The next morning I woke up feeling great ready to explore me and Hailey's relationship. But there was this voice. Not Jakes or his mom/dad not anyone he knew.
'She will NEVER love you! She hates you Jake!'
"Who are you talking about?" I replied to the voice.
'Hailey, your love, and who you wish will be your future wife and have kids with. Who else?'
"I-I don't like Hailey like that! We're just friends..."
'You know perfectly well you want and need her. You love her with all of your heart and you don't want her to be anyone else's'
"That's not true!" I replied with tears on my face.
The voice laughed evily.
'You get jealous when she's around other boys. You get angry when your friends call her a music freak. Admit you love her.'
'No. You love Hailey. You liked Daisy but you love Hailey! Sadly she doesn't love you. She wants to be and stay friends! You're a freak.'
"No. I'm. NOT."
'No one in the group likes you. They all hate you. Especially your loved one Hailey.'
"I. Don't. Have. A. Crush. On. Her."
'Also I'm talking to Milly,Luke, and also Sean. Goodbye.'
The voice went silent.  I got dressed. I decided to get to Hailey and talk. I know I needed to talk with her. She was the one who saved me from breaking because of Daisy. The voice was right about one thing. He needed Hailey.
He ran down the halls screaming for Hailey trying to find her.
"HAILEY!!!! I NEED YOU Please, I-i..." My voice broke I started sobbing for Hailey.
Then I heard footsteps...
Luke's P.O.V
I woke up excited to see Zander. Just then I heard a voice I've never heard before it was deep and cold.
'Zander never loved you. And never will!'
"That's not true! We're dating."
'He's using you for money. He never wanted to date you it's all an act.'
"I don't believe you I never will. You're just a voice."
'Am I? Am I just a 'voice'?'
'I'm something more. You, Jake, Sean, and Milly are in danger. I'm warning you.'
"What are you talking about?"
'Listen to me. If you don't I will play out my plan. If I were you I'd go see Zander to find out the truth'
Then the voice went quiet.
I got dressed went to school and started running down the halls yelling out for Zander.
"ZANDER!!! I NEED  YOU PLEASE!!! I, I love you..." he didn't answer I fell on the ground sobbing, maybe the voice was right?
Then I heard footsteps...
Milly's P.O.V
I woke up having a plan to stop by Elliott's rose bush on the way in school. I heard this voice.
'Elliott hates you~'
"No he doesn't, and Who ARE you?!" I snapped raising my fists.
'The voice. What your friends call me.'
"You've done this to them too?! I will kill you!" I roared.
'You can't.'
"... Ok then tell me who've you've done this to already?"
'I'm talking to them right now while talking to you.'
"I DON'T CARE!!! JUST TELL ME WHO YOU'RE DOING THIS TO!!!!!!" I screamed very angrily.
'Sean,Luke, and Jake. Jake has taken it worse than the rest of you.'
"Why would you do this to us and especially Jake?! I HATE YOU!!!"
It shut up. Good. I decided to get dressed fast. I ran to Elliott's rose bush. But before I could get there I fell on my knees sobbing.
"Elliott! Help! Please. I need you please."
Sean's P.O.V
I woke up excited me and Daisy were going to have our first date. But then a voice interrupted my thoughts.
'She doesn't actually love you!'
" Who are you and what do you want?!"
'The voice you,Milly,Luke, and Jake are all hearing.'
"What?! Why them too! What ars you saying to them?!" I yelled, I was the big brother of the group. I am supposed to take care of them and keep them all safe.
'I am confirming their worst worries. Jake is taking on the worst. He can't even stand up he's crying so much!' The voice started laughing.
"Why are you doing this to us? And why the most on Jake. What did we do to deserve this?"
It went silent. I got dressed and ran to Daisy. Apparently the voice was right that Jake took it the worst. I reached Daisy but I couldn't talk.
"Sean are you ok?! No offense but you look awful! Talk to me. Jake's with Hailey. Milly's with Elliott. Luke's with Zander. All they keep saying is 'the voice' we don't understand! What voice. Sean I don't want to lose you like Hailey, Elliot, and Zander lost the other's."
"The voice. It's confirming our worst fears. It said you didn't love me. Their hearing something different. I assume Milly heard something to do with Elliott, Luke something to do with Zander, and Jake something  to do with Hailey." *coughs*
"Jake apparently has it worst. He apparently is on the floor sobbing. I don't know about Milly or Luke."
"Sean. Text them to get to the music room we need to talk me and Elliott have to be there too. Please we need you guys." Daisy said with concern, Fear, and sadness in her voice.
I listened to her text our group chat telling them to come to the music room and to bring Elliott too.
Jake's P.O.V
"Hailey! Please hear me!" I cried out once more not caring about the footsteps coming closer.
"Jake. Buddy! We're here for you. Hailey's probably not coming." Said Drew Liam, Henry, Lia, and Zoey behind him.
"No. I NEED HAILEY!" I screamed at them.
"Jakey it hurts to see you like this." Lia pouted. "You don't need her you need us~"
"Leave him ALONE!!!! HE WANTED ME AND NOW I'M HERE FOR HIM!!!!" Someone screamed frim behind me.
I looked it was Hailey.
"Wow your music girlfriend is here!" Henry said snarky.
"Yeah I am. Now shoo!" She replied clearly angry.
I lookes back at the group. They all had shocked expressions on their faces. She'd never reply like that if she wasn't mad. She clearly wanted to be alone.
"Fine. Let's go." Drew said and the group left.
"Jake. What happened?" Her voice shaky and cry'y. So different than the confidence she had in her voice a second ago.
"The V-voice."
"The voice? What voice Jake I need you to explain." She said cradling my head in her arms. My body in her lap. Now she had tears running down.
"The voice said y-you." I started sobbing again.
"Ok, what did it say Jake? I'm here now I'll help you."
"It said you didn't like  me and that you hate me." I said most likely like a little kid.
"Shh." She said quiet. "I don't hate you, we're friends. I care about you."
"I-It didn't say you didn't like me it said something else ..." I said blushing.
"What did it say if it wasn't like?"
"Um, it said you didn't love me." I said embarrassed.
Her face went red. Then back to her normal skin tone.
"Why did that upset you?" She said intrested.
"Because I-I" I trailed off.
"You?" She asked
"I l-l-lo-ove you. I need you." I said starting to sob. " I want you to be my  future wife and have kids with me."  I said.
"Oh. Um. Well, let's get you back to normal and see if you still mean this ok?"
"I'm telling the truth though! I love you!" I said sleepily.
I saw Daisy come over to see what happened but her and Hailey had a conversation with their eyes. It went along the lines of:
Daisy:'Is he ok? He's sprawled out on the floor saying he wants to marry you?'
Hailey:'I don't know and you have to go help Sean. Elliott's with Milly and Zander's with Luke. Apparently there's this voice?'
Daisy:'Ok I'll go help him and leave you two alone.'
Hailey:'Thanks.' She smiled.
"Now that we're alone will you marry me."
"Jake, not right now silly! We've got to get you up."
"You didn't say No princess. Milly and Daisy will be the bride's maids. Luke will be the person making us Married. And Zander will be my best man." I said.
She sighs. "Jake, 1) we're to young and 2) you don't mean any of this."
"But I do!" I said stubborn.
"We're going to the music room."
Luke's P.O.V
Zander came into view walking towards me.
"Zander! I love you come here!" I shouted.
"I'm here Luke. Love you. Sorry it took so long."
"It's ok! Let's get to the music room!"
"Ok." He said holding up half my weight. I cloud barely walk.
Milly's P.O.V
"Elliott. We need..." I trailed off.
"Yes Milly?"He asked sweetly
He carried me bridle style and we went off.

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