Imagine #1: Newt - Secret Crush

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(Y/N) POV:

"So, (Y/N), do you like anyone in the Glade?" Newt asks you. You are surprised by his question. You and Newt had been best friends for as long as you could remember, you also have had a crush on him for as long as you could remember. You never said anything to anyone because you were nearly positive that Newt only thought of you as a friend. You tried to convince yourself that you didn't like Newt anymore, but it was no use. You hated how the butterflies always came when you and Newt were working in the Gardens.

"Yeah, as a matter of fact, I do." you answer with a smirk on your face. You notice Newt's normal relaxed face twist into a frown. He got a little crease between his eyebrows whenever he was mad, or confused, or sad. You feel the butterflies enter your stomach.

"Oh. Who?" Newt asks you. You can tell that he's trying to sound as casual as possible when he asks you, but you can hear the anger that's laced in his voice.

"Is he jealous?" you ask yourself. For a split second, you felt hopeful. Maybe Newt did like you, more than a friend. Not wanting to get your hopes up, you tell yourself that it's just his Mama Noot instincts or whatever.

"You have to find out on your own." you say with a shrug. You smile a little bit when Newt lets out an angry huff and continues doing his work.

"(Y/N)!" You hear someone call out your name. You turn around and find Minho standing a distance away from you. He's sweaty, probably just got back from the Maze. Besides Newt, Minho was your other best friend, your first actually. Since he was a Runner, you didn't get to see him that often, so you got pretty close to Newt while Minho was in the Maze.

"Hey, Minho!" You call back to the Keeper.

"Thomas and Chuck are having a hot dog eating contest! Let's go, you don't wanna miss it!" Minho calls. You drop everything and run towards Minho. You jump on his back and he gives you a piggyback ride to the Homestead. You can hear the shouts of the other Gladers from outside. Inside, Thomas and Chuck are scarfing down as many hot dogs as possible. Chuck is winning by a lot and Thomas looks like he's going to hurl. You laugh as the older boy lies his head on the table in defeat and Chuck jumps up and down in victory.

It was just then you realized that you left Newt to finish the work you didn't.

Newt's POV:

I couldn't sleep at all last night. After I finished up (Y/N)'s work, I went to go give them a talk, but Jeff asked me to watch over Tommy in the Med-Jack hut. Poor boy ate so many buggin' hot dogs it made him sick. Listening to Tommy vomit caused me to lose my appetite and I went straight to bed. But I just stayed awake. I couldn't stop thinking about the fact that (Y/N) likes someone. I knew that they would never like the boy with the limp, but I thought that at least they didn't like anyone else.

I guess I wasn't exactly surprised when they told me they liked someone. I always figured there was something between them and Minho. They were always flirting and it always made me jealous. I bet (Y/N) wouldn't even be friends with me if Minho weren't a Runner.

I gave up trying to sleep after a few hours and just wandered around the Glade until the Runners woke up. I glared at Minho the entire time he was getting ready.

"Is something wrong, Newt?" Minho had asked me.

"No." I said, coldy. I stormed away from him and glared at him from a distance. I know that glaring wasn't going to get (Y/N) to like me or anything like that, but at least it made me less upset.

I avoided (Y/N) as best I could that day. It was especially considering that I worked with them. It was really hard to ignore the hurt look on their face, but I managed to do it. Before I knew it, it was dinner time.

I walk into the Homestead, but I spot (Y/N) and immediately run out of the room. I'm determined to avoid them until they would bloody stop trying to talk to me. But, knowing (Y/N), it would never really happen.

I ran to the Deadheads, trying to get away from any eyes before the tears started to fall down my face. I don't know if I've ever felt so heartbroken in my life.

I find a spot to sit, where I can just cry for a little while. I silently sob into my hands for 10 minutes straight before my meltdown is interrupted.

"Newt? What's wrong?" (Y/N) asks me, sitting down next to me. I try to make it look like I wasn't crying, but it's no use.

"Nothing." I sniff and wipe my eyes. I feel (Y/N)'s arms wrap around me. One part of me wants to shove them away and storm off, but the other part wants me to just take the one chance I'll get. I listen to that part.

"You know you can tell me." (Y/N) whispers.

"Do you like Minho?" I blurt out. (Y/N) looks at me in surprise, then they look kind of disgusted.

"Ew, no. Of course not." (Y/N) says. Small weight lifted off my shoulders.

"Who do you like?" I ask. (Y/N) thinks for a moment, debating whether or not to tell me.

"I'll tell you, but you have to promise me it won't change anything between us." (Y/N) says, shyly. Oh, boy.

"Pinkie Promise." I say, and hold out my pinkie. (Y/N) laughs a little bit and then links their pinkie with mine.

"I like you, Newt."

Part 2?

Thomas Sangster/Dylan O'Brien ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now