Imagine #2: Newt - Nightmare

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Above is the song that I listened to while writing this.  I definitely recommend you listen to this while reading, I think that it makes the story a little better than the trash it is :)

"Please, (Y/N). Please." Newt begged. Tears filled his bloodshot eyes as he looked up at you, begging you to pull the trigger. You had a gun pressed against his head.

"I can't shoot you, Newt. You know that." you said, tears of your own threatening to spill out of your eyes.

"I'm not Newt anymore." Newt responded. He wasn't wrong. He wasn't the Newt that you knew, that you remembered at least. He was different, insane. He was a crank.

Black tar spilled out of his mouth with every breath he took. The tar was the same black color as the visible veins all over his body. His once fluffy blonde hair was now a greasy mess. You could no longer look to his eyes and see the love you once saw in the Glade, you only saw fear and anger.

"(Y/N) DO IT!)" Newt shouted at you, no longer calm. You turned your head away and pulled the trigger. You heard Newt crumple to the ground and you turned around to find Newt's dead body on the ground.

You let out a scream louder than you could imagine, it hurt your throat, but that didn't matter. You hugged Newt's limp body against yourself. You cursed yourself out, vowing to never forgive yourself for what you did to the boy you always loved.

"(Y/N)! Wake up!" you heard. It made you start crying all over again. It was Newt's voice. The guilt was already killing you slowly.

"(Y/N)!" the same voice shouted. You closed your eyes and kissed Newt's greasy hair. But when you reopened them, the Newt you saw was not dead. He was staring straight at you, worry in his eyes.

"Bloody hell, (Y/N)! Are you okay?" he asks you. You begin to sob your eyes out. Newt wraps his arms around you and lets you sob into his shirt.

"It's ok. It was just a dream." he said, quietly. He rubbed your back over and over until your breath steadied and the tears didn't fall from your eyes anymore.

"Do you wanna tell me what it was about?" Newt asked.

"No." you sniff. You didn't want to remember anything from that dream, it was too horrible.

"Ok. Do you wanna try to get some more sleep?" Newt asks. You nod. Newt let's go of you and then lies down next to you on the sand. Then he wraps his arms around you. Just before you drift off to sleep, you hear him whisper:

"I love you, (Y/N)."


Sorry it's so short!  See you soon, hopefully!

- evelyn stilinski

Thomas Sangster/Dylan O'Brien ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now