Imagine #5: Thomas Sangster - Nerd Pt.2

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You were almost ashamed by the fact that even after you finished your project, you kept going back to Thomas' house after school. Trying to come up with excuses for why you can't hang out with (Y/F/N) when school ends has become nearly impossible.

"I have to go walk my dog." you say, nervously.

"Seriously, (Y/N)? You don't even have a dog." (Y/F/N) says, clearly annoyed with you.

"Ok fine, I didn't want to say anything because it's kind of personal but my.... Mom has... some sort of sickness and... she needs help around the house." you lie.

"Uh, ok then. I guess I'll hang out with Jamila again." (Y/F/N) says. You can tell they don't believe your story, but they don't question you about it. You breathe out a breath of relief.

"(Y/N), let's go." Thomas shouts. You quickly run over to him.

"I thought I told you not to do that, Thomas." you whisper to him, hoping no one saw you.

"Why are you so ashamed to be with me? If you were really my friend, then you would let everyone know." Thomas pouts.

"I'm just worried that (Y/F/N) wouldn't want to be my friend anymore. You know how close we are." you say.

"Were. You barely see them anymore." Thomas says "You keep choosing me over them."

"Jeez, don't need to make me feel so guilty." you mumble. You grab Thomas' hand and drag him off school campus. You walked to his house after school so much, you memorized the way a long time ago.

"Can you at least tell (Y/F/N) soon? Maybe I won't get treated like such a weirdo if people knew that you guys hung out with me." Thomas mumbles.

"(Y/F/N) and I are not that popular, Thomas." you say to him.

"Well to the kids that I talk to you are." Thomas responds.

"Can you just drop it, Thomas?" you ask, frustrated. It was the same thing every day. Thomas would shout for you, you would tell him to stop, he would annoy you about telling everyone you were friends with the school loser.

"Fine.." Thomas grumbles.

For the first time in forever, there's an awkward silence between the two of you.

*Time skip*

"Thomas, we're going to a friend's house! We'll be back around 10!" Mrs. Sangster shouts from the kitchen. Ava comes down the stairs wearing the old clothes I gave to her.

"(Y/N)!" she shouts. She comes running down the stairs and wraps you in a hug.

"(Y/N)!" Mrs. Sangster comes into the front hallway and hugs you after Ava lets go. After going to the Sangster's house so often, they became sort of like family.

"I wish we could stay, but we've been trying to meet Ava's friend's parents for such a long time." Mrs. Sangster says.

"It's fine. There's always next time." you say politely.

"Are you ready to go?" Mr. Sangster asks, coming down the stairs "Hey, (Y/N)."

"Hey, Mr. Sangster." you say.

"Yes! Let's go! I can't wait to see Emily." Ava says as she runs out the front door.

"See you later, bye!" Mrs. Sangster says, she walks out the door and Mr. Sangster follows, closing the door behind him.

"Do you wanna watch a movie?" Thomas asks.

"Yeah, sure." you respond. You follow Thomas into his living room and he turns on a Star Wars movie. You have watched them with him a million times, but they never get old.

*Time skip*

About halfway through the movie, you notice how awkwardly quiet Thomas was being.

"Are you okay, Thomas? You're being really quiet." you say.

"Yeah. I'm fine, it's just-" Thomas starts but you cut him off.

"Oh no, is this about earlier. I'm so sorry, Tommy. I'll tell (Y/F/N) I'm hanging out with you if you really want me-!" Thomas cuts you off this time.

"No, it's not that. I've been meaning to tell you something, (Y/N)." Thomas says, seriously. Something about the seriousness in his voice made you nervous.

"Ok, tell me then." you say.

"I love you, (Y/N). And I didn't just start loving you in the past few weeks we've been hanging out, I've loved you for a long time, a year or two now." Thomas says. You're in shock. After that first night with him, you did start to fall a little bit, and you have fallen a little bit more over the past few weeks. You didn't know if you wanted to tell him that you've been feeling something. You wanted to keep hanging out with him, you didn't want anything to change between the two of you.

"(Y/N)? Are you going to say anything?" Thomas asks you.

"I... have to go." you say quietly.

"Wait, what?" Thomas says.

"I have to go." you say again. You grab your backpack and quickly slip on your shoes and run out of the house before Thomas can stop you.

You don't stop running until you get home.

Part 3 tomorrow!

Thomas Sangster/Dylan O'Brien ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now