Prologue Part 3

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Hey dudes, DGTV987 here. I would like to say once again sorry about leaving you guys three months but as a compensation, this will be longer. Enjoy the last part of the prologue.

It's 5 AM when DC arrived in Tokyo, Japan, nothing unusual, just a typical landing. He was already awakened from the landing, so he grabbed his bags containing the stuff that he brought with him and left the plane while saying goodbyes to the aircrew men who operated the plane and transported him unto this place that he isn't familiar with. As the sun rose from the east, he could see so many buildings that are not common for him since it has a different architecture than the standard ones back in his place. He could see people in the terminal waiting for their plane and departure. He walked away from the cargo door of the plane and could see the people who would escort him out somewhere. One of them has the same height as him and is a high-ranking officer, he approaches him and salutes, DC salutes also to give some respect to him.

???: Good day to you, are you Mr. Balares?

DC: Yes, that's me Sir.

???: My name is Lieutenant Sakamoto Kazumi but you can call me Lieutenant Kazumi.

Lieutenant Kazumi and his comrades who are with him bow down as a formal way to greet someone in their culture, DC bows down as well.

DC: So, this is Tokyo?

Lieutenant Kazumi: Yes Mr. Balares, the city capital of Japan.

DC took a time to look around again to see the beauty of the place around him. He looks back to Lieutenant Kazumi with visible amazement in his eyes.

DC: Gotta say, I have always wanted to go here since I was a kid, it's very beautiful and majestic in here.

Lieutenant Kazumi: First time in here? Doesn't matter, follow me, we will continue this little chit chat of ours later on.

DC: Roger that Lieutenant Kazumi.

He grabbed his bags and started to follow him. As they were walking, there in the distance, he could see a twin propeller helicopter, it's a Chinook but in a JASDF paint scheme which makes it different from the other Chinooks used by other countries. They entered the chopper through the cargo door and minutes later, the chopper that they're in flew off after they had given a go signal from a person who manages the helipad.

Reference for the Chinook:

Reference for the Chinook:

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After minutes of riding on the helicopter and talking with Lieutenant Kazumi, they arrived. The place that they land has a countryside-like feeling despite having to be 50 kms from Tokyo. Him and Lieutenant Kazumi left the chopper and started walking to the entrance. He was greeted by fellow scientists, they bowed down as the way they formally greet in Japan, DC does the same to formally greet them as well.

Lieutenant Kazumi: Well, this is my stop, you will cooperate with them from now on.

DC: I see, thanks for the Escort Lieutenant Kazumi! He waves goodbye at him

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