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Jason was patroling when two boys looked to be walking and laughing. They looked about 19 and 21. But what caught Jasons eye was that the 19 year old was his baby Dick Grayson.

Jason saw red. What was that man doing with his Nighty? Jason zoomed in on his helmet and saw that the guy walked behind Dick. 'What is he doing?' Jason thought.

Ryan walked up to Dick and hugged him. "Well i'll see ya later. By Dickie." Ryan said pulling his hood up and quickly kissed Dick. Dick was shocked and pulled away imediantly. He wiped his mouth. "What the hell." Dick yelled. "Sorry Dick your just so hot." Ryan moaned. He walked closer to Dick making him back up into a wall. "Look Ryan. I like you." Dick said. Ryan smiled. "I like you a lot to." Ryan said leaning to kiss him again. "Not like that. Im dating someone. Please don't hate me." Dick started to tear up.

"Hey i dont hate you." Ryan said. "Friends?" Ryan asked. "Friends." Dick replied smiling.Ryan hugged him and Dick hugged back. "Bye Dick." Ryan said and walked of.

Jason watching and listening to everything jumped down and landed behind Dick. Dick turned around only to bump into a hard chest. "Oh, s sorry." Dick said. He openend his eyes to see the red bat symbol on the chest. Dick looked up to find a red mask.

"Oh hey Jay." Dick said smiling. Jason suddenly slammed Dick into the wall. "Ah, what." Dick groaned. Jason lifted his helmet of discarding it on the floor somewere. He still and his eye mask on underneath. Jason started to suck on Dicks neck. "Ja son, What are you doing." Dick moaned. "Who was that guy." Jason said growling. Dick was silent. Jason slammed Dick again. "I person." Dick groaned. Jason got pissed. "Dick." Jason growled in a warning tone. "He i is ju st a fri end." Dick said gritting his teeth. Jason grabbed his hair and pulled his head back.

"Dick who was that now." Jason was angry. "I told you he's ju-st a friend his name is Ryan ok." Dick was getting annoyed. His back hurt and his head as well. "Right then why did he kiss you?" Jason asked. "I pushed him away." Dick told him. "Wait. Are you, jealous?" Dick asked him smirking. Jason growled again.

"I'll take that as a yes. Jason your the only hood for me. Ok babe." Dick said kissing him softly. Jason smiled at that. "Ok. Lets go home." Jason said his gaze softening. "Yeah Dick said quietly. Jason then let go of him and put his helmet back on. He picked Dick up bridal style and walked back to their shared appartment.

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