The Chariot - Chapter 7

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Chapter Seven - The First Crossing

Over the next week or so, Harry found himself not being able to think of anything but Draco. He was distracted most of the time, and waited impatiently for lessons and meal times to be over so he could go and grab a few precious stolen moments with the blond boy. Ron and Hermione were puzzled again by his behaviour and Harry told them that he was just worried about his course work marks. Ron had given him another quizzical look, but Hermione had given him an admonishing glance and said it was good that Harry was taking schoolwork seriously. Ron had sighed and shook his head. Harry had given him a sheepish grin.

He knew that it couldn't work - Draco and him being together. In reality the possibility of such a thing was inconceivable. When they were alone they were transported into another plane, another dimension. Whatever liaisons they had, seemed wonderful in that parallel universe but how to drag that back into the real world and mesh it together? It was unthinkable.

Harry wondered if it were so terrible of him to be seeking and receiving such comfort from Draco's touches. Was it entirely selfish and altogether wrong for him to be enjoying the feelings he had when he was with Draco? Did this make him an awful person? Were his brains finally addled to the point that his greatest source of comfort seemed to be the one and only Draco Malfoy?

On top of that, he felt terrible lying to his friends and sneaking around. But what else could he do? He had thought and thought about the state of affairs, till he had given himself a headache. But his need for Draco won over his mind for the moment. His clandestine meetings with Draco were just for him. There were no questions asked, no answers expected as to what and why….

Just meeting and kissing, no heavy demands, no explanations necessary.

Draco was an entirely different person when they were together and Harry just couldn't bring himself to turn his back on this newfound relationship. He actually liked spending time with him. There was so much more to Draco than the person Harry had known all these years. It was as if he were uncovering a delicious secret that was only meant for him to unwrap and discover and it felt g.

Granted, It had taken a few days to disassociate Draco from just being Lucius Malfoy's son. After so many years of such intense hatred for each other, it had taken a few tentative kisses and embraces before they had started to feel comfortable around one another. Harry now itched during the long minutes when he wasn't with Draco.

Since the night they had kissed, Potions would be the first class in which they would be in together. Harry had butterflies just thinking about it as he made his way down the marble staircase with Ron and Hermione. As they descended they could see a small commotion outside the door that led down to the Dungeons. They got closer and Harry could see Draco – he was standing next to the dull-witted pair. The three of them were snickering and Harry shifted his eyes to see what they were laughing at.

It was Neville, who was on his hands and knees on the stone floor. He was frantically gathering up herbs and such and looked like he was near to tears.

Harry rushed down the stairs with Ron and Hermione.

'Looks like you missed a few,' Draco smiled spitefully and lifted his foot, bringing it down hard on some dried leaves that Neville was about to pick up.

'SHOVE IT MALFOY!' Ron came forward furiously.

Draco gave him an icy stare.' Make me why don't you?'

Ron rushed towards Draco and Hermione pulled him back. Draco hadn't even flinched and Harry felt a cold shiver as Draco turned to look at him and raised an elegant eyebrow.

Yes? And? His expression seemed to say and Harry felt numb. Hermione pulled out her wand and holding a clear bag, which she picked up from the floor, pointed her wand at the spilt herbs.

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