Camp SuperNatual (BoyxBoy) Chapter 6

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A/N: Sorry it took me soo long to update. Happy new year everyone!! The  picture on the side is Shadow's first owner ========>

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Shadow’s P.O.V

I was three when they took me.  My foster parents had told me to go to bed and the next thing I know I woke up chains around my wrists, ankles and neck driving away from what now is a burning house which I somehow knew was mine. I was in the back of a truck and once they noticed I was up they blind folded me. Next thing I know I’m being tossed onto a cold concrete floor. I quickly took off my blind fold to see I was in a cell and put my back up to the hard cold wall. I never got to see my kidnapper’s faces but then again I barely remember a lot of it. I felt something hot streak down my cheeks and I quickly wiped away the tears before anyone could notice I was crying. There were a lot of others. Young and old, some battered and bruised and others looked like me; dirty clothing but no physical harm. Everyone looked just as equally terrified. After what seemed like eternity somebody opened a door and started walking down the corridor. To my horror he stopped at my cell door. The man was very gruesome and smelled foul. His teeth were rotting out and he looked like he hasn’t showered in decades.

“You’re yup.” He smiled and I could have sworn I saw something crawl out of his mouth. “You’ll make a lovely pet, yes, you will.” He nodded to himself and fiddled with his ring of keys until he finally found a key that would open the cell door. I didn’t know what to do. Do I go to this man? Diffidently not. I would rather rot in this cell then go or do anything with this man.

He looked at me and huffed, “Come, come. They’re waiting for you, lovely.” He walked into my cell leaving the door open and came over to me. I was crouched in a corner and he tried grabbing me. His hand extended towards me, the first thing I do…Bite him. He yells out and cradles his injured hand. Quickly I jumped up and ran around him and out of my cell. I didn’t know where I was going but I was going. I ran out of the frying pan and right into the fire. I ran right into an arena. A group of guards saw me and started chasing after me. I quickly ran the opposite direction and of course the arena a circle. Somehow one of the guards ended up tripping me, how I don’t know, but it didn’t stop me, actually it helped me. The chains fell off and I ran on all fours instead of two. But one way or another they got me. I watched as one man came up and pressed a spot in between my shoulder blades and a severe pain spread threw out my body before I blacked out.

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Ki’s P.O.V

 Shadow’s temperature hadn’t gone down for a little while I’ve kept constant cold rags on his neck, forehead and abdomen area. I sent Salem to go get a bucket of ice and the other guys for help. Shadow has been in and out of consciousness for almost ten minutes now. I kept the rags cold and waited. Finally after what felt like forever Salem returned with Lea, Nathan, and Russel with a tin tub of ice.

“Finally! What took you guys so long?” I sighed and stood, leaving shadow on his bed sweating and moaning lowly. Salem looked almost like he had failed a very important mission. I smiled and cupped his cheek rubbing my fingers threw his hair, giving him a slight nob, making sure he knew that he did well.

“We had to find something to put the ice in,” Lea said with her hands on her hips then crossing them across her chest with attitude.

“Well obviously you found something and you guys are here so what I need you to do is help me, help shadow. Lea I need you to go out and find some Tylenol, and Sage and lemon balm tea. Nathan, I need you to grab me some cotton socks, ‘bout two pairs, ‘kay?” He nodded and left along with Lea, “Russel, I need you to put me some water on to boil on the stove and find me some bottled water, too.” He turned and left leaving me and Salem alone. Salem looked at me lost wondering what to do. “You can go draw a Luke-warm bath okay?” He nodded smiling and disappearing down the stairs. I made my way back over to Shadow, dragging the tub of ice behind me. I sat down beside him and grabbed the rag off his forehead, dunked it in the semi-melted ice and wrapped some ice in it then placed it on Shadow’s forehead. He was radiating heat and everything about him was off. His hair was drenched with sweat and his face a skewed up in anguish and pain. I quickly grabbed a pair of scissors from a nearby shelf and cut open his shirt. I grabbed another rag and dampened it in the cold water, putting it on his chest.

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