Kamp SuperNatural (BoyxBoy) Chapter 5

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A/N: Hey you guys, sorry its been so long since Ive updated but with school and the holidays. Anyways my christmas present to ya'll early, kay? Christmas Eve Gift!! And dont forget to comment/Vote/Fav. ect

<3 Love you guys and hope you enjoy!

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I was awoken by footsteps creeping around in the big room. It was still dark in the room making it hard to see anything; a big digital clock that hung on the wall said it was ten in the morning. I quietly snuck off my bed and crept over to the railing peeking over the edge. I saw a Salem silently breathing in his almost cocoon looking hammock. Russel was a mere shadow within a shadow in the hole in the wall, and Naydeen was curled up under her canopy under a truck load of comforters snoring like a log. Then I saw a shadow walking around down there.

I could feel instinct kick-in and adrenalin rush threw my veins. For a split second I forgot I was a slave and just that I needed to protect myself. I quickly backed up, feeling my nails become claws, I ran and leapt over the railing. Flying threw the air it was mere seconds before the intruder was under me, pinned to the ground, both hands around the intruder’s throat ready to break his wind pipe with the right pressure if need be.

“Shadow!” the guy gasped in shock and surprise. My mind didn’t register the voice and my grip around his throat tightened. The intruder’s arms shot up to my hands grabbing at them trying to remove them. “Shadow, its me. Ryan. Shadow, let ~cough~ go. I’m not gonna hurt ~cough~ you.”

Ryan was the one who was under me. But my mind and my body wasn’t connecting. My grip tightened around his throat. He coughed as it was harder to breath. I was fighting to get my body back in control. In the back of my head my mind was screaming at me, ‘He’s just like them. He’s gonna hurt you. If you don’t do this now he’s gonna kill you. Or he’ll hurt you even worse. Think of what all the others have done to you. Do it. Do IT.’ with every thought my hands tightened around his throat and with every thought I was trying to stop.

Someone please stop me.

Ki's POV

As a single tear escaped Shadow's eye Lea, Nathan, and myself all ran into the room. Nathan ran over to Shadow and tried to pull him off of Ryan but his body just stood as solid as a rock he tried. One of his arms flew out and Shadow's nails slashed Nathan's chest, slashing his shirt and flesh open like cougar with its prey. A nasty and very scary growl erupted from the base of Shadow's chest. It sounded like a hell hound from the pits of hell.

Lea kicked the base of the mattress that was peaking out of the hole in the wall, “Wake up and get over there! You are as useful as a sloth on speed.”

Lea rolled her eyes and kicked Russel over to were Shadow was still strangling Ryan, his face turning purple now. Russel tried the same thing that Nathan did and it still didnt

"Salem, wake up and help please." I said calmly and Salem, sleeping threw all of this, woke up and stood looking around and taking in the scene. Finally after little debate he looked me in my eyes and i could tell he wanted to help but wanted permition first. I nodded and he catiously walked over to Shadow with his hands raised showing he had nothing in his hands.

Shadow's ears flattened to his head and he lashed out at the others, a hiss escaping with a very low growl.  

Salem's dark violet eye watched Shadow for a few moments then he turned his attention to the other guys in the room.

"Can you guys grab his arms?"  The guys looked at each other and then at Shadow. By this time He has let go of Ryans neck and stood into a crouching stance baring his teeth. Again the guys looked at each other and back at Salem. He nodded encuraging them. Its not like they'll have real damage to them. They're both Vampires. They'll heal quickly. So both the vampires advanced on the young shape shifter

Shadow put up a good fight but didn’t see Salem creeping up behind him and before he could react Salem hit major pressure points, first causing Shadow to fall and then pass out. Nathan went up and kicked Shadow in the ribs, "Little Turd,".

"Hey! Nu-huh. Don't you touch him. Go back to what ever you were doing before this mess." I told Nathan. His eyes glowed a ruby red and then he blinked and they turned a brown amber as he turned to face Naydeen, where she has been watching this whole time.

"Nathan," I warned him and saw his

eyes roll as he walked out of the room. Naydeen’s little figure relaxed once he left the room.

“Hey, Russel do you think you could take Ryan up to his room?” The unconscious fallen angel was sprawled out on the floor. Russel huffed and turned to Lea. She shrugged her shoulders and said, “She’s second in command when he,” she pointed at the unconscious Ryan, “isn’t here, or ‘is unable to give orders’” She rolled her eyes and left the room. Russel sucked his teeth and grabbed Ryan pulling an arm around his shoulders and dragging him out the door.

I turned my attention to the unconscious teenage shape shifter on the floor, “Salem, will you help me get him up to his bed?” I looked up and saw Salem nod, but before I could do anything Salem had Shadow over his shoulder carrying him up to the loft. I walked over to Naydeen where she was watching us. I smile down at her and whispered to her, “Sweet dreams little one and forget all the unfortunates you have seen tonight,” I touched my middle finger to her third eye. Naydeen instantly lost consciousness falling back onto her bed. I smiled down at the little one, no older than nine, and covered her with the blankets making sure she was comfortable.

Quickly and quietly I made my way up the spiral stair case and onto Shadow's loft area. Salem had set him down on his huge cat bed and was now blotting a cold rag on his face. I walked up beside him and sat down looking down at the young shifter. His face was flushed and even without checking I could tell he had a fever. His body was radiating a bad dangerous amount of heat, and I could tell that we needed to get his temperature down, because if we didn’t… Ryan will be missing a loved one.

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A/N: Crap! Cliff-hanger!!! How screwge of me... >;D muahahah!! Im evil that way. Hopefully be updating soon. Happy Holidays Everyone! 

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