Kamp SuperNatural (BoyxBoy) Chapter 3

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Following him into the living room, I saw Ki and Salem standing next to each other then Lea was over in the living area yelling at a tall intimidating looking guy.

“Okay, so we have one more pair to this cabin but other than that, this is everyone.” Ryan told everyone, “So who’s hungry?”

“I am!” “Me, too.” “We are,”

Ryan turned to me, “What about you Shadow? You hungry?”

To answer his question my stomach made a very painfully loud growl. Ryan laughed, “Well, that answers that.” He grabbed my hand and with the rest of them we all made our way to the dinning hall.

Crowds of campers also made their way to the dinning hall and by the time we got there it was packed. There were two severing lines one for the campers and another for the slaves. I could smell so many mouthwatering foods that saliva literally over flowed my mouth. I almost got separated from Ryan when we first entered I had to run to catch up to him. When I was like a foot away from him the massive body stepped in from of me and stopped causing me to slam full force into his body.

My breath was pushed right out of me in a gust of wind. The body whirled around and some very foul words came out of his mouth before a hand came down on me. Smacking me so hard I lost my footing and was knocked to my feet. The whole dinning hall went so silent you could hear a pin drop.

Then one word was uttered to break the silence, “Shadow!” Ryan’s voice was filled with worry as he pushed threw the crowd and over to me. The dinning hall went back to normal after he uttered my name.

“Is this your slave?!” the very violent and angry guy asked.

“Yes, and why may I ask did you decide that you would take it upon your self to punish my slave?!” Ryan’s voice was filled with anger towards this camper.

“He ran into me,”

“I don’t care if he spit on your shoe or stabbed you in the eye with a fork. If you have a problem with him you come to ME. Do you understand?!”

The guy mumbled a ‘whatever’ before turning and walking away. Ryan stayed on guard until the guy was out of sight then he turned and pulled me to my feet. He grabbed my chin and inspected my face. I excepted him to give me some sort of punishment but all he did was drag me to a table and sat me down next to Ki and the others telling me to stay while he wandered off in the direction of the food.

“What happened?!” Ki grabbed my chin and turned it to her full attention. She examined my swollen cheek and the reddened hand print that parked my pale skin.

“Oh, um… I ran into someone trying to catch up to Ryan,” I explained.

“And they smacked you?! They have NO RIGHT!” she spat as she let go and started rummaging threw her bag until she found something, pulled it out, poured it onto a napkin and started blotting my cheek. Everyone talked about random stuff. I stayed quiet while Ki finished up my face. Ryan finally showed up with a tray full of mouth watering food.

“Here, I got this for you,” he slid over a plate full of sushi. I could feel my face light up with joy as I grabbed a pair of chopsticks and some soy sauce and downed everything but not before thanking him for it.

We stayed in the dinning hall for a couple of hours even after they stopped serving dinner and desert. I learned that Ki and Salem are soul mates, they can practically ready each others minds. Lea has a slave named Russel who doesn’t barley listen to her. And Ryan. Ryan is a Pisces, loves cats, and is fallen angel.

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