Chapter 2

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outside the school in the south parking lot it was madness their were people screaming and runing everywhere. luckily the parking lot was protected by a tall fence. we spotted the car and took off running towards the car, as soon as we reacheed i mera jammed her key into the car

"Everybody in!"as soon as we were in she florred the gas sending us flying through the front gates. as we drove off sandy called out the window,

"Fuck you! you Fucking unholly shits!

It stayed silent untill we got enough away from the school that we could no longer hear the screams and moans of the horro that lay behind us. I put my hand on meras shoulder,

"its going to be ok you did great." she turned and loked at me, almost like a kid asking their parent why the skys blue. I managed a smile and then reminded her to keep her eyes on the road, I then turned my attention arin who was clutching the locket he always wore.

"hey" i said as I wraped my arm around him,

"your mother and father work at the  hospital right?" he looked up at me with his blue eyes

"uh.. ye-yeah."

"good that means their probably evacuated by now." he seemed reasured but still upset,

"get some rest ok kid" He rested his head on my lap and quickly fell asleep clutching his locket. Sandy had been rithing in the front seat, cussing and having a panick attack.

"shit, shit, fuck, fuck ,oh fuck, fuck, Fuck!" grabed the back of her shoulder and squeezed it,

"Hey!" she whiped her head around and glared at me,

"What! What the Fuck is it!?"

"Calm the fuck down!" her eyes widened.

"Calm down? Dont fucking tell me to calm down! everyone we fucking know is dead!"

"Hey!" this time I grabed the scuff of her shirt and pulled her towards me

"Whatever those things were they came from the west right!?" Her exspression turned from anger to despair,

"Yes..." I held her gaze still clutching her shirt

"and the city's about 5 miles east!" she looked down and untensed herself.

"so there's a low chance that they've made it to city by now!" she grumbeled under her breath

"Yes" i let go of her shirt and sat back.

"where are we going"

I was silent for a few moments until I realized she was asking me,

home, I thought. But what came out was this,

"we find a safe place to hunker down and wait untill some of the chaos dies down."

"what about rescue?" I heard sandy question from the front seat.

" they wont come for a while. we have to survive until then."

they're not coming.

"we can stay at my boyfriends place." fuck! I hate her boyfriend. its that he's not a good person, but he always treats me like a little kid, and talks about sports and stuff, plus his friends are shitbags.

"ok." I mumbled and then their was silence.

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