chapter 3

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when broke from the treeline we were shocked. what we had suspected to see a normal city unaware of the horror that was only a few miles away slowly lurching towards it, but instead we saw the remains of a ghost town: dead, quiet and in ruin. mera slowed the car as we turned off the highway.

"Stop." I ordered grabbing her shoulder, she almost jumped out of her skin at that.

"Holy shit! Don't do that."

"sorry, just stop the car."

"what why the fuck would we do that?" I turned to sandy casting her an anoyed look,

"so we don't attract a huge fucking crowd, that's why." she held my gaze.

Is she questioning me? but she must have read my exspession because she turned away and mera stepped on the brakes.

"OK now we walk." i slowly get out of the car cafefull not to make a noise, Arin tugged on my shirt.

"Here" he hands me the pistol i had taken from the cop I nod and take it from him then after everyone gets out we start walking in the direction of my apartment.

we walked for a few minutes before I spotted discarded baseball bat I pick it up and hand it to Arin

"here" veronica spins around

"what about me?"

"you took judo for 5 years your wh damn body is a weapon." she smirked and playfully punched my shoulder,

"you got that right pipsqueak" veronicas eyes wandered to the pistol I was still holding,

"you know how to use that thing?" I smile

"sure" I lift the gun and point to the barrel

"this is the dangerous end right?" rolling her eyes  she turned around and kept walking. I speed up my pace passing mera and Veronica and taking the lead. eventually we made it to meras boyfriends place. I walked up to the door and grabed the handle but before I could open it mera put her hand on my shoulder

"wait". I turned to face her,

"what" she looked into my eyes hers were filled with worry,

"be careful" I nodded and turned  the knob slowly entering the apartment I step inside and raise my gun. I put my back to the side wall and peak around the corner into the living room, I motion for the others to wait outside. I walk slowly into the living room clenching the pistol,

finger off the trigger asswhole, I think to myself as I  lift it off and place it on the side of the gun. I walk into the joined dining room and am about to turn around  when I hear the sound of a shot gun cocking,

"drop the fucking gun!" his voice was shakey, it seamed familiar.

"easy now" I say slowly kneeling down and placing the gun on the floor.

"now turn around" I hesitate for a second

"Turn around or I'll fucking blow your brains out you little shit!" just then I hear meras voice behind me

"what the fuck is going on!?" I breath  un-tensing my muscles.

"mera! your alive!?" I slowly begin to turn. As he comes into view I let out a sigh of relief. out of all the freinds it could have been it was Brendon.

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