Chapter 6

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Ferns POV-

I didn't know it was possible for someone to scream so loud, or for so long. I can still hear Katniss pounding her fists on her bedroom door as I sit, curled up in a ball on Arrows lap and he holds me in his warm embrace. I guess Haymitch and Katniss got into a fight, over what I don't know. I just know that when Arrow left to asks when dinner was he came back with tears in his eyes.

"They were fighting over Peeta. Peeta Mellark. He's the boy Katniss killed in the arena." He had said. "I had to drag her out of there or she might have killed Haymitch."

After around 10 minutes the pounding and screaming coming from Katniss cease and I can hear her sobbing. I wonder if she regrets killing Peeta? I guess she does since that seems to be the reason for her fit.

"I'm going to go talk to her." I say while getting up and wiping the tears from my face.

"No. Let her be alone. She'll be okay." Arrow grabs my arm before I have a chance to leave and there is a pleading tone in his voice.

"Okay." I respond, even though I don't think Katniss will be okay. This sadness and anger in her seems to have bundled up over time and created a bomb. And it seems Haymitch just lit the fuse.

"I need to change." I say after a few minutes of silence. I stand up and walk over to the dresser and pick out a pair of gray sweat pants and a black tank top. Arrow gets up, kisses my forehead and walks out of the room without saying anything. I grab my clothes and walk into the bathroom. I turn on the shower and set it so that the soap will smell like lavender-my favorite flower. Before I get in the shower I scrub the makeup from my face. My hair falls in ringlets when I take it out of its bun. I leave me dress in a heap on the bathroom floor and get into the shower.

When I have washed my self and my hair I step out of the shower, and with the press of a button blow driers on the wall dry my body and untangles my hair. I put in my pajamas and decide to leave my hair down. As I walk back out into my room I hear a knock on the door.

"Fern it's time for dinner." Effie says-the normal cheeriness in her voice is gone. I search the drawers in my dresser for a sweater and pull on a gray one before leaving my room for dinner.

Arrow is already sitting at the table when I arrive. He is still dressed in his dress shirt and black pants, but his jacket and emerald green bow tie are gone. When Effie sees me she stands up and rushes over to lead me to my chair. She gives me a kind smile when she sits down across from me. Haymitch and Katniss are nowhere to be seen and I know the won't be joining us tonight. During dinner, Effie tries to make small talk with the both of us, but soon finds out neither of us want to talk.

As soon as dinner has been cleared away Arrow and I say good night to Effie and leave to go to sleep. Arrow walks me to be bedroom door. His lips are warm and comforting as he kisses me goodnight, but before he leaves I lock my arms around his chest.

"I'll see you in the morning." I whisper to him. He kisses my hair before I let him go. He waits until I turn, open my door and walk inside before leaving to go to his room. I crawl into bed and it's instantly warm and comfy and I'm soon drifting off to sleep.

The next morning when I walk out into the living room if find that Haymitch and Katniss still haven't come out of their rooms. Arrow isn't up either so I order hot chocolate and walk over to the big glass windows. It's early so the sun is still rising and the city is still quiet. These Capitol people sleep so late in surprised they get anything done.

I'm almost done with my cocoa when I hear footsteps behind me. I turn around to find Arrow watching me. He stands in the rays of sun seeping through the window and a small smile dances across his face.

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