Chapter 4

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"Wake up everyone! Today is another big, big day!" Effie's voice trills down the hall and I sit up in bed. Today is the day when the tributes will be performing their skills for the game makers. Arrow and Fern both wanted to keep their skills secret for the sake of surprising us with their scores. If they both get celebration  worthy scores that is.

I climb out from under the thick, warm blankets and rub my eyes. I take a quick shower and put on a grey t-shirt and dark skinny jeans. I walk out into the living room to find that Fern and Arrow are both ready to leave to the training room. They are both dressed in the same black, skin tight training jumpsuits that every other tribute will be wearing.

"Good morning sweetheart." Haymitch says as I walk into the room. He is sitting at the table with a bottle of whiskey in his hand, which isn't surprising.

"Good morning Katniss." Fern repeats Haymitchs words is a quiet voice, only leaving off the sweetheart part.

"Good morning Fern, Arrow." I give Fern a sweet smile and nod my head in the direction of Arrow. He hasn't been one to talk much, but for some reason he seems eager to get into the arena.

"Alright! If you two are ready we can go down to the training center!" Effie cheers. She is wearing a short, purple dress. The skirt is made out of ruffles and every inch the top is covered in shimmering jewels. Her skin is dyed sheet white so the rouge makeup she wears stands out. If you ask me she closely resembles a clown.

Effie quickly ushers the two of them into the elevator, pushes the button, and in a second they're gone.

"What do you think they're going to do?" I ask once they've left.

"I don't know. I guess we will just have to wait and see." Haymitch responds.

That night all of us gather on the couch in the living room to watch the training scores. Fern and Arrow both seem in good spirits and Effie is trying to gather both of their prep teams around the TV.

"So what exactly did you both do?" Haymitch asks. Arrow and Fern still haven't told us what happened during their training sessions. I'm just hoping theirs went better than mine did.

"Well I just showed them some survival skills. They seemed pretty impressed so I feel confident." Fern answers. I can hear the confidence in her voice. She is not at all worried that the gamemakers didn't like her. And how could they? She exactly the kind of girl the Capitol wants for the games. She's pretty, she's innocent. She's the Capitols sweetheart.

"And I threw some spears and stuff. They seemed to be paying pretty close attention after Ferns session." Arrows voice is mellow and I can tell nothing exciting happened in his training session.

Just then Caesar Flickerman pops up on the screen and is as enthusiastic as ever. He begins calling out tributes, starting with district one. Their scored from the gamemakers flashes across the screen in front of that tributes picture. As a mentor, I do my best to pay attention to the scores.

As usual, both tributes from 1 and 2 score a 7 or higher. The girl from 6, who's name is Anna, scores an impressive 8. The boy tribute from 7 and 9 both score a low 5, while the girl from 10 scores a 3. Over the years I've learned not to underestimate anyone with a low score. My friend, Johanna Mason, scored a 4 in training and turned out to be quiet the fighter.

After what seems like forever Caesar is finally made it to district 12. "Next we have Fern Ashcraft with a score of seven." A number 7 flashes across the screen and we are all up and cheering. Fern accepts a hug from Effie and many congratulations from the prep teams, but quickly we are all sitting and quiet; anticipating Arrows score.

"And last, but most definitely not least, Arrow Halstead with a score of nine." The number 9 flashes in front of Arrows picture before the TV clicks off. Arrows score of 9 makes everyone excited and Effie orders a round of sparkling cider for celebration.

"So, have you two been thinking about who you want as allies? If you want any that is." Haymitch asks as soon as we are all sitting down.

"Well we definitely want to be together in the arena." Fern answers for the both of them. "But I think I want to be allies with the girl from district 8. Her name is Mae and she is excellent with knives.

"Well if she wants to be your ally too then that's fine. Tomorrow are the interviews with Caesar so you should be getting some sleep."

Haymitchs comment about sleep is obviously only directed towards Fern and Arrow. He and I both know neither of us will be getting any sleep tonight.

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