Chapter 3

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The next morning Fern and Arrow wake up early and are ready to start interview prep. Today, training doesn't start until 3:00pm so we have until then.

Fern starts off with Effie, and Arrow starts off with Haymitch and I.

"So, what characteristics would you use to describe yourself?" Haymitch asks. Arrow sits and thinks for a minute before answering.

"I would describe myself as strong, capable, determined." he answers. These characteristics will definitely give us something to work with.

"Okay. So we show you as a strong guy. A good fighter, good with weapons." Haymitch brainstorms.

"Yeah. I guess that sounds like me." Arrow answers. Haymitch spends the rest of the time asking Arrow questions and occasionally asking me to ask one. He knows how much I despise the games and he usually leaves me be.

When the 4 hours of interview prep are over we all sit at the dining table for lunch. Today they are serving a roast turkey, steamed carrots, broccoli and asparagus, fresh dinner rolls, mashed potatoes and heaps of gravy to top it off. Since Fern and Arrow haven't requested to have their strategies keep a secret, Haymitch begins discussing the interviews with Effie. They exchange a few ideas while I sit at the end of the table quietly stuffing my face. Even though I have been mentoring for 6 years now I still can't get over the taste of the delicious and rich Capitol food.

When we are all finished with lunch Haymitch and I go back into the living room and sit on the big leather couch to begin Ferns coaching session. Ferns long blond hair is pulled back in a bun and she wears a white dress that goes down to her knees and is tied with a bow around her waist. She sits down on the black leather chair opposite of us and looks eager to get started.

"So what characteristics would you use to describe yourself?"Haymitch asks. A concentrated look appears on her face.

"Kind, ambitious,and caring." These are the same characteristics I would use to describe my younger sister, Prim. I am interested to learn more about Fern. I can tell she is different than the other tribute girls we have sent into the arena.

"Why would you use those characteristics to describe yourself?" I jump in and ask the question that Haymitch would usually ask next. Fern barely has to think about this before answering.

"When I was younger my mother and I used to deliver our extra food to the people in the seam. I haven't done it since she passed away because I've had to ration food more, so my younger siblings can eat." As soon as she mentions her mother, Ferns face drops and I can see tears building up behind her eyes. I can vaguely remember my mother giving some berries or small pieces of meat to a women to feed the starving, or at least the ones that were starving more than us. I wonder if that could have been Ferns mother? We are all quiet for a minute before Haymitch asks the questions we are both thinking.

"How did your mother die?" Fern looks at us questioningly and I elbow Haymitch in the ribs. Why would he think that's an okay question to ask? To my surprise Fern answers.

"She passed away from typhoid fever almost 4 years ago." She says reluctantly. I remember when typhoid fever swept through town. My mother had to decline to treat any of the patients for fear that Prim or I could contract it.

"I'm really sorry. I know what it's like to lose a parent. I'm here for you if you want to talk." I say thinking about my father who was blown to bits in a mining accident. She nods in response and tears begin to stream down her face.

"We can take a break if you like." Haymitch asks.

"No. I'm okay." Fern says as she wipes the tears from her face. I hand her a box of tissues and she blows her nose and dabs her eyes dry.

We continue the rest of the time asking Fern questions that she could possibly be asked during the interview. We decide to show her as a sweet, caring girl, which reflects her past. I'm hoping that this approach will capture the audiences hearts instead of just making her forgettable. Of all the tributes I've mentored, Fern is the one I most want to win. Mostly because she reminds me of Prim, but also because she's genuinely caring and she has so much ahead of her.

That night I decide to jump in the shower before going to bed. I pick out a shampoo that smells like blooming lilacs and body soap to match. When I am done I braid my hair and change into warm sweatpants and a white T-shirt for bed. I have only just climbed under the covers when I here a quiet knock on the door. I push the covers off of me and walk over to the door. When I open it Fern is standing on the other side. She wears black leggings and a baggy sweatshirt.

"I'm sorry to keep you from sleep, but I think I'd like to take you up on your offer." A move out of the door way and she walks over and sits on a chair facing the window.

"Which one of your parents died?" She asks. That's when I realize what offer she was talking about. She meant the one I make during our session, that's she can talk to me about her mom if she wants. I walk over and sit in the chair opposite of her.

"My father. He was killed in a mining accident when I was eleven. He left me and my family to fend for ourselves." I respond. She just nods her head and looks out the window, down at the city below. Capitol people are roaming the streets dressed in brightly colored clothing. They are all throwing parties that will last until the games begin.

"Are you mad at him for leaving you?" Her tone of voice suggests she thinks she already knows the answer.

"No." I say. I pause and think about what she has asked before continuing. "Not mad, just scared. I couldn't get a job or sign up for tessera yet. I was scared out of my wits. Scared that my little sister would die of starvation and that my mother would never come back to us. She dropped into a serious depression after he died, and it's as if she was numb to the world. Even my little sister, Prims, pleas to help us wouldn't pull her out of it." I remember back then, when I would come home and find my mother still in bed, or seeing Prim's hollow cheeks. It took all I have to keep going and keep hope.

"What was your mother like." I ask, trying to change the subject. It doesn't take Fern long to answer.

"She was the kindest person I've ever meet. Everyone loved her. She was a hard worker, determined. She told me that the day my life begins to end is the day I give up. I have three siblings back home. Iris and Toby. They're both 8. Not in the reaping yet. And I have an older brother. His name is Alexander. He told me he would watch out for them and take care of them." we both sit in silence for a minute before Fern leans over and hugs me. For some reason I don't resist and I embrace her back. Without saying a word she get up and leaves the room.

When I climb back into bed my mind wander back to when I was fighting to keep Prim alive, to when Peeta through me the burnt bread in the rain, and to when Prim and I were out in the meadow picking dandelions. For the first time ever, thinking about these memories brings me peace and I fall asleep into a peaceful bliss.


I'm sorry this chapter is so short! However I'm really happy with where this story is going. I'm also happy that I'm creating some interesting characters.

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