Chapter 2

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The next morning we arrive in the Capitol. We stay in the same penthouse that I stayed in during my games. Fern and Arrow spent most of the day there together in Ferns room and only came out to watch the replay of the reaping.

"I really hope those two know they aren't both getting out." Haymitch says while we are eating dinner. "Wouldn't want it to end like you and..." He stops talking when he remembers how I don't like anyone mentioning Peeta. I still feel consumed with guilt whenever I see his parents or brothers in town. I can't believe I killed the boy who truly loved me.

"Yeah wouldn't want it to end like last time." I respond without emotion.

"Don't be so quick so assume things. Who knows, maybe they are just friends." Effie says. Her tone of voice is serious and I can tell she truly thinks their "just friends."

"I hope so." Haymitch's voice is full of sarcasm. Effie shots him a look and Haymitch shuts up. We finish the rest of our dinner of dried plum and lamb stew in silence.
That night I am awoken by a knock on my door. I roll over and see that my clock reads 3:34am. "Effie, it's to early to get up." I say in an annoyed tone as I get out of bed and walk over to my bedroom door. After I undo the latch on the door I open it and am surprised to find Fern standing on the other side.

"Fern? What are you doing up so early?" She looks down and shakes her head.

"I'm sorry. I just- I need your help." She says in a pleading tone. I step out of the door frame and let her walk into my room.

"Don't worry. That's what I'm here for." She walks over and sits on my bed as I close and latch the door.

"I'm still in shock. Why me? Why Arrow? We were supposed to be happy together." She puts her head in her hands and begins sobbing.

"How long have you two been together?" I ask her.

"We've been friends forever. I can't bear the thought of losing him." She whimpers. I guess Haymitch was right about them being together.

"I'm sorry this had to happen to you. But you do know that only one of you can make it out, right?" I remember thinking in the arena that maybe Peeta and I could both make it out, but that can't happen. The Capitol needs their victor.

"I know. But Arrow and I have been thinking. Maybe they will accept two victors?"

"They won't make an acce-"

"Maybe they will. Maybe if they see how much in love we are they will let us go. Just please, you have to help me through this." She begs. Tears are streaming down her face and I can see just how much she loves Arrow.

I don't want to destroy her hope. Hope is what keeps you alive in the arena. Not food or water. Hope.

"Okay. Maybe." I pause and wait for a response, but she doesn't say anything.

"You should get some sleep. tomorrow's going to be a big, big day." I say imitating Effie. She climbs off the bed and leaves the room without speaking.
The next morning I wake to Effie's overly enthusiastic voice. "Wake up! Today's another big, big day!" She knocks on my door after finding it locked. "Katniss. Breakfast is almost ready!"

I sigh before saying "I'll be there in 5 minutes." I pull myself out of bed and walk into the bathroom to shower. After 5 years of mentoring I have finally figured out how to use the showers here, and I make the water smell like roses.

After I'm done showering I walk back into my room and put on a white blouse with black leggings. I don't wear shoes and I leave my hair down.

As soon as I open the door to my bedroom I am hit in the face with the aroma of a freshly cooked breakfast and hot cocoa. I walk out into the living/dinning room and find the table set with every breakfast food imaginable. Haymitch and Effie are sitting on the couch in from of the tv, but Fern and Arrow are still in their rooms. A grab a mug of hot cocoa off a tray on the table and walk into living room and sit on the couch.

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