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It was precisely ten thirty in the morning and I had just pulled up outside of 'the compound'. I gazed out of the window in awe. I hadn't seen anything like this before. The building towered in front of me, it was much larger than I had initially thought. I glanced at my watch, it read 10:35. 'Shit!' I thought. 'I can't be late for my first interview.' I quickly grab my keys from their place and open the car door. I make my way toward the compound taking large strides, before realising I actually have no idea where the door is. Suddenly I hear a voice behind me, quickly spinning around I realise it's Mr. Stark. 'oh, sorry, I don't know where I'm going' I say laughing awkwardly. He doesn't even break a smile, instead just motioning for me to follow him. I start walking after him, he has a natural pace much faster than mine. He leads me through a large, blatantly obvious glass door, which I feel stupid for missing. After walking down, a surprisingly empty -and seemingly pointless – corridor for a relatively long amount of time Mr. Stark stops at a slightly smaller, yet still just as obvious, glass door.
'In there, you will find some of your fellow avengers, welcome to the team Ms. Mendez'. After saying this he gives me a look as if to say, 'what are you waiting for?'
'umm, do you not need to ask me any questions or anything, Mr. Stark?' I reply, with evident shock on my face.
'No, there's nothing I need to know, past that I already do, I suppose you are asking in reference to your powers?' He says calmly, looking at the curiosity on my face only for a moment, and showing a very slight smile for the first time.
'b-but how did you even know about my powers?' I look at him with confusion.
'There's a lot I know about you Ms. Mendez, however the others do not. So, I would proceed with caution as it were' He says gesturing toward the door. He turns and starts to walk away, whistling a little tune, before he pauses, turns around and says 'One more thing – call me Tony' he flashes a quick, but broad smile and continues to walk back down the corridor.
I slowly turn to face the large glass door, and inhale deeply. 'Right, here we go then' I think to myself, and give the door a gentle push. It swings open with surprising ease. Peering cautiously inside I see four people, three of which are sat around a table just chatting, two of them are drinking beer. The fourth person is sat alone in a corner, deep in thought and effortlessly shuffling a deck of cards. He didn't notice me come in, but the others looked up as soon as they heard me. the first to speak to me was a tall woman with pale brown hair. She smiled at me warmly, I couldn't quite tell if she was blushing. My thoughts are interrupted by her voice:
'Hey I'm Wanda' she says, definitely blushing at this point. I smile warmly at her.
'You're from Sokovia?' I ask with curiosity. At which point she looks at me and giggles.
'Been doing your research Mendez?'
I look shocked, but only for a second, realising she must be the mind reader.
'I'm good with accents, that's all Maximoff' I reply with a smug smile flashed across my face.
At this point Wanda makes eye contact with me from across the room, 'mind reader as well then' she thinks. I nod, and we both chuckle.
'I like her already' she says turning to the others.
Next to speak is a tall, muscular man with sandy blonde hair and friendly eyes. Before he gets a chance to speak, I think to myself 'let's have some fun here' and say:
'hmmm, you look like a Steve'. I pretend to rub my chin in thought and hear Wanda attempt to stifle a giggle across the room. The man, Steve, just looks at me with evident surprise.
'Well, you'd be correct that is my name, goodness knows how you got that just by looking at me.' he smiles.
The third person who was sat at the table, a teenage boy, now pipes up, seemingly excited.
'You must be Peter then? Pleased to make your acquaintance.' I say looking at him, not even pretending to be in thought. I glance at Wanda and we both burst out laughing, unable to hold it in any longer.
'Oh, I see what's happened here, you're a mind reader, aren't you?' Questions Steve, rolling his eyes but laughing.
'Sorry, it was just too good of an opportunity to miss, but yes I am. I can, however, also manipulate minds.' I say chuckling along with everyone.
'What, like mind control?' asks Peter.
'I suppose you could call it that.' I say in response, only now noticing how the man in the corner, still hasn't moved, or even looked in my direction.
'Can you show us...wait we still don't know your name' Peter observes with curiosity in his eyes.
'You want to try and guess, don't you?' I laugh, walking further into the room and closing the door behind me. you stand near to Wanda and exchange a friendly smile with her.
'Go on then Peter.'
'Alright I'm thinking...Jemima' He says confidently, looking at me with a puzzled expression.
I squint my eyes and Wanda giggles. I look to Steve as if to say, 'any better guesses?'. He just laughs and shakes his head, and you turn to Wanda.
'Is it cheating if I offer you a guess?' She winks at me and says:
'Of course it isn't... y/n.' I grin and playfully punch her in the arm.
We all sit down around the table and Wanda offers me a beer, which I accept with thanks. We sit and chat, for twenty minutes before the conversation turns to powers again and Peter asks if I'll show him my powers.
'Yes, of course, but I'll need a volunteer', I reply.
'I'd be happy to, y/n' Steve says with a beaming smile across his face.
'Alright, first relax, I'm going to read your mind and then we'll get on to the manipulation.'
'Okay, I guess I'm ready then, go ahead.' Steve says looking smug and confident.
I sit opposite him looking deep into his eyes, peering into his mind. I see him think about kissing me. I'm shocked at first but recover and look at him disapprovingly.
'Right, I suppose I'll take that as a compliment, but you're really not my type Steve.'
I get up and see that both Peter and Wanda are laughing, but also notice the man, sat alone in the corner of the room has been watching the events unfold with clear amusement. He gets up and walks toward us at the table, before looking me up and down and saying:
'Hey baby, I'm Loki, you're looking beautiful today' he bends down and kisses my hand. I back away and look at him with disgust. He glances with surprise, then continues his card shuffling, now sat at the table.
'Right then let's get started with this manipulation' I turn back to Steve 'you ready?' I say but before I can do anything the door swings open and a tall, slender woman with mid-length, ginger hair strides in. I look up at her, my eyes wide and staring, I strain to read her mind but can't. 'hmm, curious' I think to myself.
'H-hey I'm y/n' I Stutter, unable to take my eyes off of the enthralling woman in front of me.
She looks at me and smirks.
'I'm Natasha, you can call me Nat, there's really no need to say anything more than that' She says with confidence, before smirking again, spinning around, and leaving the same way she came in. As she left, I just stared at her in awe. The door closed shut behind her and I came back to my senses, looking over at Wanda who was laughing. I read her mind and she thinks 'Guess we've found your type then'. I roll my eyes at her but laugh with her.
'Hilarious, Wanda' I say out loud, confusing the others.
'There's a party tonight, Mendez, if you want to come?'
'I look forward to it' I reply with a wink, 'I'd better go and get ready then, see you all soon.'
They all nod, with warm smiles and I leave the room. Tony had given me a map of some kind to help me find my way around the compound, it wasn't particularly helpful, nonetheless I found my room with ease. It was opposite Wanda's and about three minutes down the hall from Nat's. 'what is it with the long corridors in this place' I mutter to myself. As I near my room, I can hear some rustling coming from within. I quieten my steps as I cautiously approach the door. I peek through the gap that has been left from the door being slightly ajar. I see Nat, and instantly relax. I push the door open and Nat turns her head to look at me.
'Hey Nat...what are you doing in here?' I ask with a friendly smile across my face.
'Oh, hey y/n, I was just...looking for something I thought I left in here.' She tells me, somewhat unconvincingly.
'Right...okay then' I say with evident suspicion lacing my voice. I furrow my brow just looking at her, in an attempt to read her mind. I still can't. I look at her questioningly, which she chooses to ignore, walking past me to leave the room.
'Wait...' I say grabbing her arm before she gets to the door. She turns only her head to glance at me, before laughing.
'Get off me' she says, the moment she finishes saying this I feel a searing pain rush through my head. I let go of her arm, and stumble backwards. She walks out of the room unbothered. 'did she just- no it can't be possible' I think to myself, sitting down on the bed. 'No time to think about that now though' I say, getting up off the bed and stumbling slightly, feeling lightheaded. I walk over to the wardrobe and glance inside. 'Now what to wear?' I think to myself. After a lot of procrastination, I finally pick out a black dress, that exposes my right leg. I decide to match it with a pair of black heels.
I walk down the stairs, and see Wanda smiling up at me. She is wearing a red suit, with a pair of heels that make her still, taller than me. My observations are interrupted, by her laughing and saying:
'Are you just going to stand and stare or are you coming with me?'
'Sorry, yes, I'm coming...'I reply still gawking at her.
In my mind I'm thinking 'God, you look stunning'. Her eyes flash red, and I know she has read my mind.
'Thank you, as do you' she giggles reaching for my hand. I walk down the final few stairs, being careful not to trip, and take her hand, not breaking eye contact for a moment.
'I can tell something is bothering you' she says looking at me with concern.
'I don't know how, I thought I was covering it well' I say nervously.
'I'm always going to be able to tell' she looks at me warmly. I feel comforted, lighter, knowing this.
'It's abou – '. I get cut off by loud, heavy, steps coming toward us from around the corner. I quickly spin around, now facing a very tall, strong looking man, who seems to be wearing a plate of armour on his chest, with a cape attached to it.
'Hello m'lady, I don't believe we've met. I am Thor, God of Thunder, and you look beautiful tonight' He says in a booming voice, looking down on me with a beaming smile.
'Well, Hello, Thor, God of Thunder, you don't look too bad yourself' I say with a grin.
We all laugh, before we spot Tony poke his head out of a room at the bottom of the corridor. He shouts at us to come and join the party.
'We're just coming Tony, relax' Wanda says with a kind laugh in his direction. We all start walking down the hall, to where Tony was shouting from. Thor easily overtakes me and Wanda with his long strides. She puts her hand in mine and thinks 'talk after the party?' knowing I'm reading her mind, to which I nod in her direction with a smile.

Ms. Mendez *discontinued*Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora