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I just stare down at Nat for a few moments a million thoughts rushing through my mind as I lean closer, but before I can think anything further, she pulls me in by my collar, kissing me roughly and pulling me onto the bed. She pulls away for a moment to catch her breath and I take it as an opportunity to move down to kissing her neck, I find a sensitive spot, focusing there; her breath hitches and her breathing quickens. She wraps her legs around my waist, leaning up slightly and pulling my shirt off, staring me in the eyes. After a few seconds, her eyes flicker down to my lips and she smirks, flipping me over with one swift movement and pulls me up to kiss her again. I unbutton her shirt, leaning forward and whisper into her ear, 'I don't think so...' she raises an eyebrow and I flip her back underneath me, before she has a chance to object, I start kissing her neck again, nipping her, knowing that it will leave a mark, but she doesn't care. I slowly move further down her body, gently pulling off the short shorts she was wearing. I tease her slightly, just brushing her thigh and she grabs the blanket in her fist, trying to hold in a moan, so as not to give me the satisfaction. I suddenly climb off of her, with a cheeky smirk and she looks over at me in complete shock. 'Oh, two can play at that game Mendez' she says, aggressively pulling off the joggers I was wearing, pulling my legs closer to her. She leans down, but before anything can happen there is a sharp knock at the door.

'Shit!' I whisper, simultaneously trying to hold onto a laugh at Nat's annoyance.

'Who is it, I'm trying to sleep!' Nat shouts, I scrunch my face up, really trying not to laugh at this point, earning a glare from Nat which, truthfully, makes me want to laugh more. Nat places a hand over my mouth just in case.

'It's Wanda, have you seen Mendez?' a somewhat muffled voice comes from outside.

'I literally just said I'm trying to sleep, why would I have seen her?' Nat quickly snaps back. I had to admit I was pretty impressed with her quick wit.

'Oh...well can I come in and ask you something?' Wanda's voice floats through the door.

Nat glances at me, clearly noticing my bewildered expression and motioning for me to get underneath the bed. I nod, quickly getting up, silently gathering all of my clothes, and slipping under the bed. Nat pushes the duvet over the edge of the bed so Wanda wouldn't be able to see under it, annoyingly also blocking my view.

'Sure, let me just put some actual clothes on first' I hear Nat say loudly. She throws her top and shorts back on, unlocking the door and taking a few steps back, falling into a sitting position on the corner of the bed.

'Why did you lock the door if you were sleeping?' Wanda questions a mix of curiosity and suspicion in her voice.

'Interrogation much? And it was for this very reason. So I wasn't disturbed. Now, what do you want?' Nat retorts, the aggravation now clearly shining through her voice.

'Well I wanted to kno- Wanda trails off, her gaze landing upon something lying on the floor.

'Why'd you stop?' Nat questions, with impatience. She follows Wanda's gaze to one of my socks. Her facial expression is unchanged, but I can hear her thoughts racing around, cursing both me and the sock.

'Why is one of Mendez's socks in your room?' Wanda questions trembling slightly. From under the bed, my heart stops, as I hear the falter in her voice...

I'm holding my breath, and I can just barely see Wanda's hand reach down over my sock.

'What? It's my sock.' Nat says bluntly, noticing tears threatening to fall from Wanda's eyes.

'No, Mendez was wearing these yesterday' Wanda replies almost whispering now.

'And I took them off of her because they're mine. That's why she came to my room earlier. Why do care so much if it's her sock anyway?'

Wanda looks at Nat for a moment as if to try and deduce whether she was telling the truth. After about five seconds of silent deliberation, which appears unsuccessful, Wanda turns to walk out of the door, avoiding Nat's earlier question.

'If you say so...I'm going to find Mendez and see if this is true' With that Wanda walks out, slamming the door on her way.

'YOU DIDN'T ANSWER MY QUESTION' Nat shouts, locking the door again.

I clamber out from under the bed with a sigh but also not being able to hide the amused smirk forming at the corners of my mouth.

'Well I had better go and fix's your other sock' I whisper throwing it to her.

She laughs catching it but also looking at me in slight confusion.

'How exactly do you plan on getting anywhere without Wanda seeing you leave my room?' she asks, with a look of genuine question, which I had not seen before, covering her face.

'you are aware I can fly, right?' I smirk, slipping back into my clothes and walking over to the window.

'Well I wasn't, but there are actually a couple things I want to talk about so come back here later...' she just looks at me in bemusement as I wink and jump out of the window.

'Right, catch ya later Romanoff' I say, before flying back to my room and putting a tracksuit on, making it seem as if I was on a run. I quickly jump out of my now open window, pushing it closed behind me, and fly around to the front of the compound, landing swiftly. I pant, actually quite out of breath from all of the flying. I barely have time to compose myself before hearing a familiar voice.

'Where were you?' Wanda asks her accent thicker than usual, a sign of her apparent confusion or anger. I couldn't tell which.

'Running...why did something happen?' I ask filling my voice with confusion as I pant out my words.

Wanda looks me up and down, now convinced I was running.

'Yes, come with me' she replies bluntly, grabbing me by my arm and dragging me to her room swiftly closing the door behind us and holding out a sock, which I assume she wanted me to take. Instead, I just stare at it in confusion.

'This Is about a sock? I'm dying of thirst and you're mad about a sock?' I stare into her eyes, seeing flecks of red flash up. I take a step back, now actually slightly intimidated.

'Whose sock is it?' Wanda asks determined for an answer.

'It's Nat's but I don't see what the prob- before I can finish Wanda interrupts me, the look on her face now a lot softer, sorry almost.

'She wasn't lying...' She whispers, looking to the floor.

'Who wasn't, I'm so confused now. I'm going to go and get some water' I say, not waiting for a reply and walking straight out of the door, feeling Wanda's eyes staring into the back of me as I walk away.

I round the corner with a sigh of relief, entering the kitchen and grabbing a glass out of the cupboard. I just stand at the sink for a moment thinking. I knew what I was doing was wrong, but I couldn't help it. My impulses always get the better of me. I turn the tap just watching the water gush for a moment before slipping my glass underneath it, only filling It halfway before stopping the water. I wasn't really thirsty; I had just needed an excuse to leave the room. Suddenly my head starts spinning and I feel an all too familiar searing pain through my head. I can't scream, my vision just turns black. The last thing I hear is the sound of glass smashing against the tiled floor before I collapse.

Nat and Wanda both come running into the room instantly noticing the smashed glass and sharing a look of equal distress and concern.

'Where's Mendez?' Wanda asks, looking around the whole room her gaze eventually falling back on to Nat who gives her a serious look.

'You and I both know that was Alicia., I think 'he's' back. Come on!' 

A/N: I don't like adding these, but I just wanted to apologize for the lack of updates recently, my computer thought it would be a fun idea to delete everything, but it's all good now so I will be back to updating once every one or two nights :))

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