CHAPTER SEVEN: 'The video'

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'Shit' Nat thinks, pacing around the kitchen. She grabs her phone off the table and starts dialling Wanda's number. Her hands are shaking. She lifts the phone to her ear and hears the dial tone for what seems like an eternity before she hears Wanda's familiar voice.
'Nat we're heading back, we found nothing.' Wanda says.
'I k-know' Nat stammers back.
'Wait, what do you mean you know? Where's y/n?' Wanda questions, her voice growing with concern.
'She was taken, Wanda I'm so sor-' Wanda hangs up before Nat can say anymore.
Not even five minutes later Wanda comes storming through the doors of the compound and sees the broken window. She stops walking, looking at Nat with fear and anger in her eyes. Nat opens her mouth to say something, to which Wanda glares and says:
'Stop. Don't say a word.'
'Wanda I just want to help, please, I feel responsible.' Nat says.
'What happened Nat?' Tony asks, entering the room.
'We were just...talking, and then the window smashed, and she was gone. She, umm, shouted something about leading 'Him' back to her.
'Guys we have to find her, who knows what this guy could be doing to her.' Wanda sobs, not even trying to hide the falter in her voice.
'Wanda, it'll be fine, we'll find her. Steve says comfortingly.
'I really don't want to make this worse', Loki says, shuffling into the room, 'but do we know anything about this Man, and where he has taken y/n?'
Before anyone can answer, a text tone can be heard from the kitchen table. Its Tony's phone. Everyone rushes over and Wanda grabs the phone before Tony can.
'It's a video of y/n, s-she's tied to a chair...' Wanda says, with tears in her eyes and a lump in her throat.
She quickly wipes the tears from her face, takes a deep breath and clicks play on the video.
In the video my voice can be heard, broken and tired.
'I didn't do anything' I sob, the syllables in my words breaking apart, as I can barely speak. 'WANDAAAAA!' I scream shortly before the man turns to me and stabs a knife deep into my right thigh. I scream in agony, before looking at the camera with a tear-stained face and whispering, 'I'm sorry'.
'That's what I thought' the man says with a malicious laugh before covering the camera lens and turning it off.
Back at the compound Wanda throws the phone down at the table and puts her face in her hands, trying to conceal the tears.
'We have to find her. NOW!' Wanda screams falling to floor in tears.
'We will, don't worry' Nat says, bending down to comfort her.
'Tony, can you trace the video's location?' she asks getting up from comforting Wanda.
'I can, but it will take a while I'm sorry' He looks to the floor.
A few hours pass and Nat and Wanda are sat in your room re-watching the video frame by frame to see if there's any clues. They have had to put it on mute because listening to the piercing scream, and evil laugh over and over is too painful. Suddenly Wanda flings down the book she's been writing potential clues and notes in, with a look of defeat covering her face.
'Nat, what do we do, what if we're too late' Wanda sobs, putting her head in her hands.
'Hey, it's going to be fine - we'll find her, alright?'
'But what if it's already too late?' Wanda replies looking up at Nat with glassy eyes.
'Hey, you can't think like that, she'll be fine wh- she stops, squinting her eyes at the screen.
'Wait, go back, replay that bit' She says, flustered.
'Wh-what?' Wanda stutters confused as to why Nat stopped her comforting words.
'Replay it now, come on!' Nat says, with a sense of urgency lacing her tone. She grabs the controller off of Wanda, replaying the video two times slower than before. 'There - Zoom in' she says somewhat triumphantly. 'You can see his face' she turns to Wanda grinning.
'TONY, GET IN HERE NOW' Wanda shouts, jumping up and moving closer to the screen.
'What, have you found something?' he questions running into the room, closely followed by everyone else.
'Look, you can see the Bastard's face' she says motioning toward the monitor 'Can we run facial recognition and get an address?'
'Yes, I'm on it!' Tony says, shoving Steve out of the way and running to the main room where he had set all of his equipment up. Not even two minutes later, Nat and Wanda hear a shout from the main room it's tony.
'We have an address, let's go'.
Everyone runs to their rooms, quickly suiting up and running out of the front door. Wanda and Nat take the car, Steve runs, Tony flies in his suit and Peter swings.

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