CHAPTER EIGHT: Rescue and forget

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I am about to pass out again, from blood loss, more so than pain, my whole body is in such agony it feels like cold fire, its numbing but everything feels like it's on fire. My train of thought is broken by the faint sound of crunching gravel outside. Before I can think anymore on the matter someone bursts through the door shouting.

'GET OFF HER YOU PRICK!' I see a flash of red thrown to my left toward the table where he was currently sat.

'W-Wanda?' I whisper weakly, my whole body relaxing.

My eyes start to drop closed, as I see Nat running toward me.

'Hey, stay with me, don't you dare close your eyes on me' She says determinedly, removing the rope, cutting deep into my wrists, carefully to avoid causing me too much pain.

'N-Nat? t-thank you' I tremble my eyes feeling more and more heavy, my head feeling lighter.

'Hey, it's alright, you're going to be alright' she says comfortingly.

I hear Wanda running over as the others are dealing with the man.

'I'm so sorry' I whisper as Wanda gently wraps her arms around me, picking me up. She feels my body go limp as I pass out.

'Nat...her breathing is getting shallow and she's still losing blood, we have to get her to Banner' she cries barely choking her words out over the tears.

'Okay, hurry bring her to the car' Nat says with a slight tremble in her voice.

Wanda places me gently in the back of the car, getting in the other side, and propping me up against her for support. Nat starts the engine and drives quickly, but carefully to the compound, getting there in just under five minutes. As soon as the car pulls up outside the door, Wanda rushes out of her seat, laying me down with care, and rushes to the other side of the car to pick me up again. As soon as she has hold of my limp body she runs to the lab, and to Bruce.

'Lie her on the table and get her clean clothes. Quick.' His voice was calm but urgent.

Wanda runs quickly to my wardrobe, cursing the long corridors and returns with some loose clothes, not a minute later.

'Hold her upright so I can put her new shirt on' Nat says grabbing the fresh shirt off of Wanda. Nat pulls your bloody shirt over my head, carefully unsticking it where some of the blood has dried, so it doesn't rip any of my wounds further. They finish changing me and Bruce runs quickly over with an IV drip, sliding it carefully into my arm. He grabs a bottle of distilled water and squirts it into all of my wounds cleaning them and ushering both Nat and Wanda out of the room as he does so. They go and sit in the kitchen with everyone else, waiting impatiently.

Back in med bay Bruce starts stitching up my wounds, he does it quickly, it isn't perfect but he's not exactly a doctor so it's understandable. After half an hour he finishes my last stitch, wipes his forehead, and adjusts my IV so it only contains a strong painkiller, instead of a sedative. He runs into the kitchen and everyone looks up expectantly at his arrival.

'She'll be okay, but I have no idea how long it will take her to wake up.' He says, addressing the whole room.

Nat and Wanda immediately get up after he's finished talking and rush to my bedside. They both sit there watching me, one on either side, looking for any signs of movement. It's late into the night and both of them are barely keeping their eyes open.

'h-hello' I croak weakly, unable to open my eyes, the light stinging them even when they're closed.

'y/n?' Nat and Wanda say in unison their eyes springing open.

'W-what happened, who are you?' I reply squinting my eyes, seeing two figures bending over me.

Wanda and Nat look at me in pure shock and disbelief.

'I-I'm sorry, I don't know who you are' I say looking confused, rubbing my eyes, fully opening them to get a proper look.

The shorter one looks down at me with tears in her eyes.

'I guess we had better tell the others, so we can work on getting her memories back' The redhead says, I detect a very slight falter in her voice. She turns around and starts to leave, the shorter one gives her a nod and starts to follow her, but I grab her hand and squeeze it. She looks down at me confused, seeing the plea for her to stay in my eyes.

'Actually, I had better stay with y/n and make sure she's alright.'

Nat nods, barely glancing back and leaving the room, quickly heading to the others in the kitchen.

'i-I'm sorry, I can't let her control my mind anymore' I whisper with a worried expression.

'Hey, I understand, I'm here for you, but what is making them think you've got no memories going to do?' she asks questioningly, a smile splashed across her face.

I smile back pulling her into a hug and whispering into her ear. She pulls away looking at me sceptically.

'You really think that will work?' she questions looking doubtful.

'Of course it will, but only with your help' I reply with a small smile. She nods but before she can say anything the others walk in.

'Guys, she's lost her powers and doesn't remember any of us' she looks down at the ground, shuffling her feet.

'Me and Bruce will start working to get her memories back right away, but we'll need blood samples.' Tony says.

I give a gentle nod in his direction before saying:

'Wanda said I have a room, can I shower first?' I ask, praying I'm allowed to go.

'I'm afraid you can't get your stitches wet, but you're welcome to go and rest before we take the samples' Bruce says with a kind smile.

'Thank you....sorry I'm not sure of your name' I smile awkwardly.

'That's fine, I'm Bruce', he replies looking sorrowfully in my direction.

I nod apologetically, and try to sit up, putting all of my weight on my arms but falling back, wincing in pain, only now noticing everyone's pitiful stares.

'I'll help, hold on' Wanda says, wrapping her hand around my waist and picking me up gently. I wince again at the adjustment but smile at her gratefully.

'Thanks Wanda and thank you everyone for saving me' I smile around the room. Everyone nods, and Wanda carries me out of the med bay and down the corridor to my room. Once we are safely inside, she places me gently on the bed, closing the door and locking it. We make eye contact and laugh.

'I can't believe this is actually working' She says in disbelief.

'Of course it is, I told you it would and when am I ever wrong?' I say laughing at her. She rolls her eyes, but laughs with me.

'Well are you ready for phase two of your master plan then?' She giggles.

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